What page does Bilbo kill the spider?

What page does Bilbo kill the spider?

Summary: Chapter 8. Somehow [after] the killing of this giant spider . . . [h]e felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach, as he wiped his sword on the grass and put it back into its sheath. Darkness falls upon Bilbo and the dwarves as they enter the bleak forest of Mirkwood.

What happens in Chapter 10 of The Hobbit?

Bilbo helps the dwarves out of the barrels. Thorin, with Fili, Kili, and Bilbo, confronts the town guards and announces that he, the King under the Mountain, has returned and wishes to be taken to their Master. They discover the Master feasting with elves, who recognize their former prisoners.

What are some ways Bilbo has changed from Chapter 1 to Chapter 8?

What are some ways Bilbo has changed from chapter 1 to chapter 8? He is more confident. He makes plans and leads the company. He is bolder.

What page does Bilbo name his sword?

Why does Bilbo decide to name his sword “Sting”?

Why does Bilbo’s sword glow blue?

Sting had the magical ability to detect orcs or goblins nearby. When orcs or goblins were present, it glowed blue, as it did when the Fellowship encountered orcs in the mines of Moria. This was a common property of First Age Elf blades, particularly those forged in Gondolin.

How old is Gollum?


What kind of sword is orcrist?

Elven sword

Do all Elvish blades glow blue?

Assuming that this is, in fact, the case, it seems likely that all blades which glow in the presence of Orcs are Elven, but not every Elven blade can glow. That is to say, a sword won’t glow in the presence of Orcs simply because it was made by Elves; the Elves have to deliberately make it in such a way that it glows.

How does Bilbo die?

On September 29, he, Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, and Frodo boarded a ship docked at the Grey Havens and sailed away from Middle-earth. His fate afterward is not known but as he too was a mortal being, he most likely died in the light of the Blessed Realm of Valinor.

What killed Gandalf?


Christ-like attribute Gandalf Frodo
Sacrificial death, resurrection Dies in Moria, reborn as Gandalf the White Symbolically dies under Morgul-knife, healed by Elrond
Saviour All three help to save Middle-earth from Sauron
Threefold Messianic symbolism Prophet Priest

Who is stronger Sauron or Gandalf?

‘ to contest the power of Sauron, if he should arise again, and to move Elves and Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds. In summary, then, Sauron was portrayed as stronger than Gandalf because he, like some other beings, apparently was indeed stronger, and Gandalf seems to have recognized that fact.

Why did Saruman not kill Gandalf?

Saruman did not want the Valar to know that he had betrayed his original purpose for coming to Middle-Earth therefore if he killed Gandalf then Gandalf’s immortal spirit would know and be free to tell the Valar. Ergo Saruman needed to keep Gandalf where Saruman could keep a close eye on him. It would be wise, Gandalf.

Is Tom Bombadil stronger than Sauron?

According to the Council of Elrond, he could only be defeated if all the power of the world was arrayed against him; so he was clearly more powerful than Sauron alone— and Sauron was the only being in Middle-Earth more powerful than Gandalf.

Who is the most powerful person in LOTR?

Answer by Stephen Tempest: God is the most powerful entity in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe. The Elvish name for him is actually Eru Ilúvatar, meaning “the one, father of all.” So the question becomes: Who is the second-most powerful being?

Is Lady Galadriel in love with Gandalf?

Gandalf and Galadriel never get together in the books. While the relationship between Gandalf and Galadriel is expanded in the books (as are most things), the one thing the books and films have in common is that that relationship is always 100 percent platonic. However, there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that.

Why is Lady Galadriel so powerful?

Galadriel was always meant to have a very otherworldly quality. She’s among the most powerful elves in the entire realm of Middle Earth, and her power is enhanced by her beauty and her ethereal nature. To heighten this, Galadriel got an extensive amount of special lighting to make her look especially otherworldly.

Why was Saruman so weak?

TLDR: Saruman lost his powers because Gandalf removed them with the authority granted by Eru. Gandalf received his power to break Saruman’s staff from the same authority that brought him back from the dead, and turned him from Grey to White.

Why did Saruman die so easily?

Because Saruman had the body of a mortal man. Any mortal wound like a stab through the heart or a knife to the throat would kill them just like it would kill any man or elf. He lost all his power when Gandalf broke his staff and cast him from the order.

Is Saruman more powerful than Gandalf?

5 SARUMAN THE WHITE He was originally the chief of the wizards as well as the White Council that was formed to fight against Sauron. He was more powerful than Gandalf at these stages, but his study of dark magic turned him to support Sauron. However, before he turned to the dark forces, he was a very powerful wizard.

Who is more powerful Sauron or Saruman?

Sauron’s will was greater than Saruman’s ; Sauron had much more experience in matters of domination and war and the habit of evil and power. Saruman knew that he could hope to gain power in Rohan by treachery, ruse and careful manipulation of his adversaries ; but against Mordor he had no hopes without the One Ring.

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