What part of the violin holds up the strings?

What part of the violin holds up the strings?


What are the parts to a violin?

20 Key Components of a Violin and How They Work

  • Scroll. The decorative top of the violin.
  • Pegs. Four wooden pegs around which the strings are wound.
  • Peg box. The enclosure in which the strings are wound onto the pegs.
  • Nut. A small piece of wood between the pegbox and fingerboard.
  • Neck.
  • Fingerboard.
  • Top.
  • Ribs.

Which string instruments are held under the chin to play?

The violin and viola are played in the horizontal position—i.e., “under the chin.” The cello (customary abbreviation of violoncello) and double bass both stand vertically on the floor, the first resting on a long steel rod called the end pin. Cello players hold the instrument between their knees while seated.

Which way does a violin bridge face?

The bridge facing the other side towards the should not be perpendicular to the violin top, but have a slope leaning towards you. In this position the feet of the bridge should be in complete contact with the violin top.

Can you play a violin without a bridge?

Before asking questions like this one, it might be a good idea to try playing a violin without a bridge. As far as long nails are concerned, I keep mine short, and so the answer is yes, you CAN play a violin without long nails. In fact, I’ve never tried to play one WITH long nails.

How should a violin bridge look?

To ensure it is in its proper, straight position, first hold the instrument up and look straight at the bridge, making sure it’s standing at a right angle. It should be straight and parallel to the fingerboard and centered between the f-holes. The feet of the bridge should lay flat with the belly of the violin.

How high should a violin bridge be?

around 33 mm high

Why is my violin not making any sound?

New violin bows often do not produce any sound because they need rosin. Without rosin, the bow will slide across the violin strings and produce a faint whispery sound (or no sound at all). Rosin comes in hard, round or oblong “cakes” of resin.

Are Violin bridges glued?

A bridge is the most important fitting on the exterior of the violin and the sound of your instrument depends to some extent on its shape, height, position and the angle. It is not fixed or glued into position but is held in place by the tension of the strings passing over its top edge.

How much does it cost to replace a bridge on a violin?

Basic Repair Prices (see below for Bow repairs) Prices do NOT include parts.
Violin Cello
Bridge – refit or fix warp $25 $35
Bridge – replace (labor only – see below) $45-60 $50-100
Bridge Pricing $10-80 $24-220

Can a broken violin be fixed?

Like a broken bone, a crack in the face of a violin can be an incomplete fracture or a complete break through the wood. Regardless, cracks can be repaired via a special glue or clamps that arch across the top or back of the violin. Typically, this type of repair can cost between $100-$150.

Why did my violin string break?

Breaks between the upper nut and peg: in almost every case, this breakage is caused by tuning/tightening the string too high. The transition to the upper winding, where the string goes from metal to thread wrapped, is the weakest part of the string.

What kind of glue is used for violins?

Hide glue

How much does violin repair cost?

Instrument Repairs Violin/Viola Cello
Reglue Fingerboard $20.00-$50.00 $30.00-$65.00
Resurface Fingerboard $50.00-$75.00 $60.00-$105.00
Glue Loose Seam (each) $30.00 $45.00
Install New Nut or Saddle $50.00 $70.00

How do you glue a violin neck?

What you have there is an easy repair, the way it is: Epoxy will make the instrument unrepairable, permanently. Use warm water and a brush to clean all the old glue out of the seams, and reglue the seams first, so that the corpus is solid. Then do the same thing to the neck joint.

What glue do luthiers use?

Hot Hide Glue

How long does it take glue to dry in violin making?

about 12-24 hours

How strong is Titebond hide glue?

Bond Strength ASTM D-905 (On Hard Maple)

Temperature Strength Wood Failure
Room Temperature 3,591 psi 72%
150°F. Overnight 3,207 psi 59%

How do you reverse Titebond hide glue?

Just pour hot water into/onto the joint, wait a few seconds and slowly work the joints loose. This is the greatest advantage of hide glue. Also to re-glue, just heat up the joint with a heat gun or even easier – just put a fresh coat of hide glue over the old glue and it will re-melt it.

Is hide glue stronger than wood glue?

Hide glue, unlike PVA glues, will never set up in one part of the bond and remain wet in another. Hide glues are much stronger than the wood itself whereas PVA glue joints are not. PVA glues also create another problem called “joint creep” since the bonds are stretchable.

Does hide glue sound better?

The important question is, “Can you hear the difference?” If YOU can’t hear the difference between one guitar made with hide glue and one made with another glue, then the up-charge for the hide glue isn’t worth it. You will hear the difference simply because You spent all that extra money on it.

What is Titebond glue?

Titebond Original Wood Glue is the industry standard for woodworking. It provides a strong initial tack and fast speed of set to reduce clamp time. It also develops a bond stronger than the wood itself, offers excellent sandability and is unaffected by finishes.

What is hide glue used for?

Today it is used primarily in specialty applications, such as lutherie, pipe organ building, piano repairs, and antique restoration. Glass artists take advantage of hide glue’s ability to bond with glass, applying hide glue to glass. As the glue hardens it shrinks, chipping the glass.

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