What percentage of America is Greek Orthodox?

What percentage of America is Greek Orthodox?

The Orthodox Church in America, with roots in Moscow and about 85,000 adherents, reports a 50 percent figure. In Greek Orthodox Christianity, by far the largest branch in the United States with almost 480,000 members, it’s about 25 percent.

How long does a Greek Orthodox church service last?

However, the all-night vigil is usually abridged so as to not last literally “all-night” and may be as short as two hours; on the other hand, on Athos and in the very traditional monastic institutions, that service followed by the hours and Liturgy may last as long as 18 hours.

Can you wear pants to a Greek Orthodox Church?

In place of a business suit, many Greek Orthodox Churches will allow men to wear a dressy pair of tan or khaki pants with a button-up shirt and a simple tie. Casual loafers may not be appropriate to wear in the church.

Why can’t you cross your legs in a Greek Orthodox church?

Don’t Cross Your Legs In the eyes of the church, this represents a form of arrogance that stands in the way of our relationship to God. Since a lot of people aren’t aware of this thinking, people tend to cross their legs without realizing that it is considered improper.

Why do Greek Orthodox kiss icons?

If the icon is painted to show a scene or event from the Bible, the individual will kiss an arbitrary location. This is called “venerating” the icon and is done to show respect. This is not to be confused as a form of worship. We respect not the icon itself, but what the icon represents.

What do you give at a Greek funeral?

Greek funeral flowers Church members and friends often send plants and bouquets in memory of the deceased. Flowers are often passed out during the prayer service at the gravesite. At the conclusion of the service, each person usually bows and places his or her flower on the casket.

Do you wear black to a Greek funeral?

Only wear black for the first 40 days. Avoid social events for the first 40 days. Only wear black for 2 years (in the case of Greek Orthodox widows)

Can you be cremated if you are Greek Orthodox?

Traditionally, cremation was not permitted in the Greek Orthodox Church. It is still the position of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that cremation is not permitted. If you intend to have a Greek Orthodox funeral and would like to be cremated, we recommend that you consult with your priest or bishop.

Is Cremation a sin in the Orthodox Church?

The Eastern Orthodox Church forbids cremation.

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