What planets will align in 2022?

What planets will align in 2022?

Next conjunctions: A conjunction between Venus and Mars will take place on July 13, 2021. In 2022, there will be a conjunction of Mars and Saturn on April 5, 2022, and Jupiter and Venus on April 30, 2022, and conjunction of Mars and Jupiter on May 29, 2020.

What 2 planets will align in 2020?

Bottom line: Jupiter and Saturn will have their 2020 great conjunction today, which is also the day of the December solstice. These two worlds will be visibly closer in our sky than they’ve been since 1226. At their closest, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 0.1 degree apart.

Will the planets align in 2020?

Jupiter and Saturn last aligned in a great conjunction in May 2000. After this December 21, 2020 conjunction, the two planets will appear to trade positions, as Jupiter overtakes Saturn. After that, the two planets will approach each other through the 2030s, reaching conjunction again in November 2040.

What time can I see Jupiter tonight?

Planets Visible in Los Angeles

Planetrise/Planetset, Wed, Jul 14, 2021
Planet Rise Set
Mars Wed 8:08 am Wed 9:41 pm
Jupiter Wed 10:04 pm Thu 9:02 am
Saturn Wed 9:04 pm Thu 7:26 am

What planet is visible tonight UK?

Visible night of Jul 13 – Jul 14, 2021

Mercury: From Wed 3:37 am
Venus: Until Tue 10:35 pm
Mars: Until Tue 10:32 pm
Jupiter: From Tue 10:45 pm
Saturn: From Tue 10:02 pm

Where is Venus in the night sky?

Your best bet is to spot dazzling Venus first, and then seek out fainter Mars. You’ll likely find Venus blazing away in your western sky some 40 to 45 minutes (or sooner) after sunset. Mars won’t pop out in the vicinity of Venus until dusk gives way to nightfall.

What planets are visible in the sky tonight?

Four planets will be visible to the naked eye while the New Moon sits in darkness. Tonight’s sky will boast clearly visible Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Meanwhile, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune will be visible but you will likely need some sort of telescope to aid in viewing those three planets.

How do you find Venus in the sky?

Venus orbits the Sun faster than the Earth so it will either appear in the sky in the West in the evening or rise before the Sun in the East. To pinpoint the location of Venus you can use some form of planetarium software like Starry Nights or you can do it the old fashioned way and train your telescope yourself.

What color is Venus in the sky?

When a planet is closer to the horizon, you are looking through more air, and so the planet will appear dimmer than when it was higher up in the sky. Planets are also different colors! Mercury is white-ish in color and Venus is bright white.

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