What plants rely on bees?
List of crop plants pollinated by bees
Common name | Scientific name | Commercial product of pollination |
Cantaloupe, melon | Cucumis melo L. | fruit |
Cucumber | Cucumis sativus | fruit |
Squash, pumpkin, gourd, marrow, zucchini | Cucurbita spp. | fruit |
Guar bean, Goa bean | Cyamopsis tetragonoloba | seed |
Which foods depend on bees?
About one-third of the food eaten by Americans comes from crops pollinated by honey bees, including apples, melons, cranberries, pumpkins, squash, broccoli, and almonds, to name just a few.
How many crops are pollinated by honeybees?
Bees pollinate 80% of the world’s plants including 90 different food crops. 1 out of every 3 or 4 bites of food you eat is thanks to bees.
How much of our food supply is dependent on bees?
Pollinators by Numbers Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and about 35 percent of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce. More than 3,500 species of native bees help increase crop yields.
Do bees pollinate lettuce?
Pollinators: Although flies, wild bees, and butterflies have been mentioned as visitors to lettuce flowers, none of them are present in commercial lettuce fields in a sufficient quantity when desired to cross-pollinate male-sterile lines necessary for hybrid seed production.
Why are bees disappearing?
Last year, 40% of honey-bee colonies in the US died. But bees aren’t the only insects disappearing in unprecedented numbers. The die-offs are happening primarily because insects are losing their habitats to farming and urbanization. The use of pesticides and fertilizers is also to blame, and so is climate change.
Are bees still disappearing?
But the bees themselves, as you might have heard, are not doing so hot. RAMSEY: We lost about 40% of our honeybee colonies last year, which was deeply concerning. And unfortunately, it’s continued a trend over the past decade or so of us losing close to 30% of our bees every year.
What do honey bees do with their dead?
Honey bees exhibit altruistic behavior, meaning a sick or dying bee will often fly out of the hive and die in order to protect the rest of the colony from the same fate. They may leave the hive and fall immediately to the ground or sickened bees may be carried out by others. In either case, quite a pile can build up.
What does it mean to see bees everywhere?
Bee spirit guide prompts you to see if you are properly balancing your work life and well being. Bees can also be a reminder to enjoy the honey of life, i.e., the simple and sweet moments and the rewards of your efforts. They may also remind you to enjoy the beauty of nature and appreciate little things around.