What process is represented by this arrow?
Based on the diagram, the process that is represented by the arrow in the diagram below is photosynthesis. Based on the box on the left, it is labelled as “Energy stored in food” and then when it undergoes photosynthesis it becomes energy available for use by living organisms.
Which substance diffuses in the direction of arrow 1?
1. One immediate cause of a decrease in the rate of photosynthesis is a reduction in the availability of | |
1. Carbon dioxide | 3. Hydrogen |
3. Which substance diffuses in the direction of arrow 1 after it is formed in the structure represented in area A? | |
1. Carbon dioxide | 3. Oxygen |
2. Glucose | 4. Starch |
What substance did the plant most likely absorb from the water in order to produce oxygen gas?
carbon dioxide
How is energy transformed in photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis in plants converts solar energy into chemical energy using electrons and protons from water.
What is the relationship between light intensity and gas production?
The increases in bubbling (gas production) as the light source is moved closer to the plants indicate that the rate of oxygen production by the photosynthesis is affected by the intensity of the light source.
What is the process in which glucose is synthesized by plants?
Green plants manufacture glucose through a process that requires light, known as photosynthesis. This process takes place in the leaf chloroplasts. The end products of these reactions are glucose and oxygen gas, which is released into the air.
How does a plant use glucose?
During photosynthesis, plants trap light energy with their leaves. Glucose is used by plants for energy and to make other substances like cellulose and starch. Cellulose is used in building cell walls. Starch is stored in seeds and other plant parts as a food source.
What are the two kinds of xylem elements?
Answer. The two types of xylem elements are primary xylem and secondary xylem .
Where do plants store the extra sugar they produce?
When a plant produces glucose in excess, it can be converted into starch and stored, usually in the roots and seeds of the plant, where it is kept as a long-term energy reserve for the plant. Typical starch components found in plants are amylose, which is linear in structure, and amylopectin, which is branched.
What happens to those green light waves when they hit a plant?
Plants appear green because they do not absorb the green wavelengths of light. What happens to those green light waves when they hit a plant? The are diffracted. They are absorbed.
Why do plants turn light green?
The direct cause of chlorosis isn’t a mystery, though. It’s the visible result of too little chlorophyll, the pigment used by plants to trap sunlight for photosynthesis. Since chlorophyll gives leaves their green color, an inadequate supply turns plants a pale green, yellow or yellowish white.
Do carotenoids absorb green light?
Carotenoids absorb light in the blue-green and violet region and reflect the longer yellow, red, and orange wavelengths; these pigments also dispose excess energy out of the cell.
What color of light does this pigment absorb?
Chlorophyll, the green pigment common to all photosynthetic cells, absorbs all wavelengths of visible light except green, which it reflects. This is why plants appear green to us. Black pigments absorb all wavelengths of visible light that strike them. White pigments reflect most of the wavelengths striking them.
Which light is absorbed more by chlorophyll A?
Chlorophyll a absorbs violet and orange light the most. Chlorophyll b absorbs mostly blue and yellow light. They both also absorb light of other wavelengths with less intensity.
At what two wavelengths does chlorophyll a absorb light the best?
Chlorophyll a, which is present in all photosynthetic organisms, absorbs blue light with wavelengths of 430 nanometers (nm) and red light of 662 nm. It reflects green light, so that the plants that contain it appear green.
Which wavelength is the least absorbed by chlorophyll?
Chlorophylls do not absorb wavelengths of green and yellow, which is indicated by a very low degree of light absorption from about 500 to 600 nm. The absorption spectrum of β-carotene (a carotenoid pigment) includes violet and blue-green light, as is indicated by its peaks at around 450 and 475 nm.
Why Chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light?
So they reject wavelengths at blue and red, thus appear purple. Now later when the proto-cyano and cyanobacteria came along, they evolved chloroplasts that used the wavelengths left over (mainly blue then red) so as to not compete with the majority. Therefore they absorb blue and red and reflect green, hence are green.