What produces bile and cholesterol?

What produces bile and cholesterol?

Hepatocytes secrete the majority (four-fifths or approximately 1500 mL) of the total daily production of bile, while the bile duct epithelial cells secrete the remaining fifth. Phospholipids, proteins, conjugated bile acids, and cholesterol are the principal organic compounds in bile.

What stores bile in the body?

Gallbladder: A pear-shaped reservoir located just under the liver that receives and stores bile made in the liver. The gallbladder sends this stored bile into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of food.

How is bile stored in gallbladder?

About half the bile secreted between meals flows directly through the common bile duct into the small intestine. The rest of the bile is diverted through the cystic duct into the gallbladder to be stored.

Can liver problems cause back pain?

Liver pain and liver disease. Liver pain can be dull and nonspecific, but it can also be severe. It may result in a backache. Liver pain is sometimes confused with a pain in the right shoulder, or in the abdomen, or the kidney.

Can a blocked bile duct cause back pain?

The most common symptom is upper abdominal pain on the right side of the body, where the liver and gallbladder are situated. The pain may start suddenly and be intense. Or it may be a slow, dull pain or occur intermittently. The pain may shift from the abdominal area to the upper back or shoulder.

Can gallbladder problems cause lower back pain?

Lower right back pain may be an early symptom of the following: Gallbladder inflammation. Gallbladder inflammation or dysfunction is typically marked by severe indigestion, particularly following meals. Gallbladder dysfunction typically causes upper right abdominal pain and right-sided back pain.

Can gallbladder cause back pain only?

When your gallbladder gets inflamed and swollen, symptoms include pain in your belly, including the area just above your stomach. You also may feel an ache in your back or right shoulder blade. Usually, an ultrasound and other imaging tests can diagnose it. You may need surgery to remove your gallbladder.

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