What purpose would a quick marriage to Elizabeth serve?
Answer Expert Verified I believe the correct answer is: Quick marriage to Elizabeth would serve as a consolation and approval of Victor and his father’s relationship. The quick marriage to Elizabeth would mend Victor’s relationship with his father and bring the two of them together again.
What does Victor promise to tell Elizabeth after they are married?
He agrees to set the date of the wedding to Elizabeth ten days after his arrival in Geneva. Victor promises Elizabeth that he needs to tell her his “tale of misery and terror” after they are married.
What is the purpose of Elizabeth in Frankenstein?
Elizabeth is the one who keeps the family together after Caroline dies. Elizabeth survives the scarlet fever plague that takes Caroline. She writes to Victor while at school and tells him what is going on with the family. She is the source for information for Victor when he is away at the university.
Why does Victor decide to marry Elizabeth immediately?
Victor does not love another, but he cannot forget the monster’s threat that he would be with Victor on his wedding night. He thinks this is a threat to his life, and he considers his options. And if Victor wins, the monster will be gone. He sees it as a win-win situation, so he resolves to marry Elizabeth immediately.
Does Elizabeth want to marry Victor?
Victor assures him that the prospect of marriage to Elizabeth is the only happiness in his life. Eager to raise Victor’s spirits, Alphonse suggests that they celebrate the marriage immediately. Victor refuses, unwilling to marry Elizabeth until he has completed his obligation to the monster.
Are Victor and Elizabeth Cousins?
Born in Italy, Elizabeth Lavenza was adopted by Victor’s family. In the first edition (1818), she is the daughter of Victor’s father’s sister and her Italian husband. In the original novel, then, Victor and Elizabeth are cousins.
What is the relationship between Victor and Elizabeth?
In the original version, Elizabeth is Victor’s cousin, the daughter of Alphonse’s sister; when Victor is four years old, Elizabeth’s mother dies and Elizabeth is adopted into the Frankenstein family. In the revised version, Elizabeth is discovered by Caroline, on a trip to Italy, when Victor is about five years old.
How does Victor treat Elizabeth?
He sees her entirely as a possession: [I] looked upon Elizabeth as mine—mine to protect, love, and cherish. All praises bestowed on her I received as made to a possession of my own. Victor continues to consider Elizabeth his possession as time goes on.
What does Elizabeth say about Justine in her letter to Victor?
What did Elizabeth say about Justine in her letter to Victor? She also tells him that Justine Moritz, a girl who used to live with the Frankenstein family, has returned to their house following her mother’s death.
How does Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins?
Victor Frankenstein told his story to Robert Walton. How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins? Caroline Frankenstein saw her with a peasant family, and offered to raise her in better circumstances.
What does Elizabeth feel she is responsible for William’s death?
Why did Elizabeth feel responsible for William’s murder? She assumed the murderer killed William to get the locket, however, she believes Justine is innocent.
How does Victor react when the creature comes to life?
How does Victor react when his creation comes to life? He is disgusted and runs screaming from the room.
How does Victor respond to William and Justine’s death?
She sees men as bloodthirsty monsters. How does Victor respond in the days after Justine’s death? He leaves in August (about 2 months after Justine’s death) and travels through the Arve Valley, Servox, and Pélissier. He stays in Chamounix.
What happens when Victor tries to attack the creature?
What happens when Victor tries to attack the creature? When Victor tries to attack the creature, the creature easily eludes him. When the creature enters the hut with Victor, the creature is exultant or rejoicing.
How does Victor’s guilt affect him?
How does Victor’s guilt effect his health? what is Shelley’s purpose in this recurring plot device? Every time Victor feels guilty about someones death, it makes him physically ill too. Mary Shelley is trying to show us how guilty he really felt.
What is Victor’s greatest fear?
Victor describes himself as “agonised” with the idea of the possibility of harm to those loved ones that are yet part of his family after the recent tragedies. Frankenstein’s greatest fear as he left for England was that the monster would harm his remaining family members.
What does Victor do when he is overcome with grief?
Victor is overcome with grief following the deaths of William and Justine. He is unable to sleep and he isolates himself, avoiding everyone else. This has a negative impact on his health, and he sinks into a deep depression. Victor’s father notices this decline and attempts to console his son.
Who is at fault for William’s death is anyone other than the?
Is anyone other than the murderer responsible for what happened? Justine is at fault for William’s death. Victor is also responsible for what happened because he created the creature that killed William. 10.
What evidence illustrates that he still blames the creature?
What evidence illustrates that he still blames the creature? When someone dies Victor feels responsible, because he gets physically sick. If Victor does this everytime someone dies, then he must feel guilty. Victor feels guilty because he was the one who created the monster.
Why is Justine accused of the crime?
Justine lives with the Frankenstein family as a servant after her mother dies. When William is murdered, the monster puts a photograph that William was carrying in her pocket, and she is accused of murder. She confesses falsely to the crime out of fear of going to Hell.
What was the creature’s reaction to learning that the Cottagers left?
What was the creature’s reaction upon learning that the cottagers left? When the creature discovered that the cottagers left, he became enraged and set fire to the cottage. The cottagers were the creature’s last hope for happiness, and now that they were gone, so was his hope for happiness.