
What resources did Greece lack?

What resources did Greece lack?

Greece has few natural resources. Its only substantial mineral deposits are of nonferrous metals, notably bauxite. The country also has small deposits of silver ore and marble, which are mined.

What resources did ancient Greece have?

The natural resources in ancient Greece include coal, marble, bauxite, clay, chromate and ore. Silver and gold were also available in some areas of the Greece. The island of Siphnos and the mountains of Thrace were the common areas for mining silver and gold. Mining of silver also was done in Laurion in Attica.

What did the poor eat in ancient Greece?

Poor families ate oak acorns (βάλανοι balanoi). Raw or preserved olives were a common appetizer. In the cities, fresh vegetables were expensive, and therefore, the poorer city dwellers had to make do with dried vegetables.

What goods did Greece trade?

The Greeks would import, or buy trade items from foreign kingdoms, items like wheat, barley, pork, cheese, glass, and ivory. They sold their own items to those foreign powers, meaning they would export the things they were best at, namely olive oil and wine.

Did ancient Greece use money?

Drachma, silver coin of ancient Greece, dating from about the mid-6th century bc, and the former monetary unit of modern Greece. The drachma was one of the world’s earliest coins. Its name derives from the Greek verb meaning “to grasp,” and its original value was equivalent to that of a handful of arrows.

Did ancient Greece have taxes?

Direct taxation was not well-developed in ancient Greece. The eisphorá (εἰσφορά) was a tax on the wealth of the very rich, but it was levied only when needed — usually in times of war. Taxes were levied on houses, slaves, herds and flocks, wines, and hay, among other things.

How did the ancient Greece make money?

Ancient Greece relied heavily on imported goods. Their economy was defined by that dependence. Agricultural trade was of great importance because the soil in Greece was of poor quality which limited crop production.

Who did the ancient Greece trade with?

In the Greek world, trade began about 4,600 years ago. Greek pottery and precious goods have been found far from where they were made. These findings show that trade happened between Egypt, Asia Minor and Greek city-states.

Who was the richest person in ancient Greece?


How much money is Regis Philbin worth?

How much was Regis Philbin worth?

Net Worth: $150 Million
Profession: Professional Actor
Date of Birth: August 25, 1931
Country: United States of America
Height: 1.7 m

How old is Regis on Millionaire?

88 years (1931–2020)

How old is filbin?

80 years (1 February 1941)

How tall is Regis Feldman?

1.7 m

Is Regis dead?

Deceased (1931–2020)

Who is Regis Philbin’s son?

Daniel Philbin

Who is Regis Philbin’s wife?

Joy Philbinm. 1970

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