
What responsibilities do you have relating to child protection?

What responsibilities do you have relating to child protection?

The NSW Government recognises that care and protection for children and young people is a shared responsibility….

  • adhere to mandatory procedures for conveying risk of harm concerns to the principal or workplace manager.
  • adhere to mandatory procedures for reporting risk of significant harm to Family and Community Services.

What are examples of child protection or welfare concerns?

Reasonable grounds for a child protection or welfare concern include:

  • Evidence, for example an injury or behaviour, that is consistent with abuse and is unlikely to have been caused in any other way.
  • Any concern about possible sexual abuse.
  • Consistent signs that a child is suffering from emotional or physical neglect.

What is the difference between child welfare and child protection?

Child protection is a term that is often used to refer to the child welfare system. Specifically, it is most often used to describe the government response to child maltreatment.

What is the role of the line manager if you bring a child protection or welfare concern to their attention?

Line Managers Ensure that the HSE Child Protection and Welfare Reporting Procedure is followed. sent to Tusla/An Garda Síochána. Ensure that they are aware of all Mandated Persons reporting to them. For details on these and additional responsibilities please see the HSE Child Protection and Welfare Policy.

What is the child first act?

The Children First Act 2015 introduces statutory obligations for organisations providing services to children, as defined in that Act, to: keep children safe from harm while availing of those services. carry out a risk assessment. prepare and publish a Child Safeguarding Statement.

What is the child protection guide?

The Child Protection Guide is a web-based decision support tool collaboratively developed across both the government and non-government sector. The guide aims to assist professionals to report their concerns to the appropriate statutory agency or to refer children and their families to a family support service.

Why do we need child protection policy?

They can make sure that schools and communities protect all children and prevent child maltreatment. They can protect girls and boys from violations such as abuse, sexual exploitation, trafficking and work in hazardous conditions, as well as harmful practices, including child marriage.

How you should respond to questions from the family of a child at risk?


  1. listen to and support the child or young person;
  2. reassure the child or young person he or she did the right thing;
  3. not make promises you can’t keep; and.
  4. contact the appropriate authorities.

What is the purpose of the child protection policy?

A Child Protection Policy is an organisation’s commitment to protect children from abuse, exploitation and organisational negligence. This is reflected in the way an organisation conducts its activities and the way staff behave. Child Protection Procedures are how an organisation puts its policy into action.

What are some child protection issues?

Substance abuse, inadequate housing, health needs, parental incarceration, and racial discrimination are just some of the issues that challenge the capacity of the child welfare system and its staff to provide adequate services to the families and children it serves.

What is emergency child protection?

The inter-agency Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action defines child protection in emergencies as: “the prevention and response to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence against children in times of emergency caused by natural or manmade disasters, conflicts, or other crises.” 1 This …

Can I refuse a child protection plan?

Do parents have to let social workers in the house if there’s a child protection plan in place? Even if a child protection plan is in place, social workers have no right to enter the family home uninvited and you, as the parent, have a right to refuse them access.

What are the main principles of child protection?

Core principles include: the child’s survival and development, best interests of the child, non-discrimination, children’s participation.

What happens in a child protection meeting?

A child protection conference is a meeting where many different professionals who are involved in your child’s life (for example, the social worker, health visitor, teacher) and sometimes other people too (for example GP/medical experts) will come together to look at the information that has been collected during the …

What is the fundamental principle of child protection strategy and practice?

Principle of Child Protection Strategy & Practice The fundamental principle of all child protection strategy and practice is to promote the general welfare, health and full development of children and protect them from harm. The welfare of a child is always the paramount consideration.

What are six principles of safeguarding?

What are the six principles of safeguarding?

  • Empowerment. People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent.
  • Prevention. It is better to take action before harm occurs.
  • Proportionality. The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.
  • Protection.
  • Partnership.
  • Accountability.

What are the 5 main safeguarding issues?

Examples of safeguarding issues include bullying, radicalisation, sexual exploitation, grooming, allegations against staff, incidents of self-harm, forced marriage, and FGM. These are the main incidents you are likely to come across, however, there may be others.

What is my role in safeguarding?

More specifically, safeguarding aims to make sure that vulnerable adults, young adults and children can live their lives free from abuse, harm and neglect. It’s important to be aware that safeguarding aims to protect people from a wide range of types of abuse, neglect and harm.

What is the role of social services in safeguarding?

Social services have a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and adults and can provide a wide range of services to children and their parents, usually within the own home environment and co-ordinated by a social worker.

What do we mean by safeguarding?

everyones responsibility

What does duty of care mean in safeguarding?

Duty of Care is defined simply as a legal obligation to: always act in the best interest of individuals and others. not act or fail to act in a way that results in harm. act within your competence and not take on anything you do not believe you can safely do.

How can you safeguard someone?

Ensure they can live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Empower them by encouraging them to make their own decisions and provide informed consent. Prevent the risk of abuse or neglect, and stop it from occurring. Promote their well-being and take their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs into account.

Who is responsible for safeguarding?

The Safeguarding System Whilst local authorities, through their children’s social care teams, play the lead role in safeguarding children and protecting them from harm, everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play in protecting them. Children includes everyone under the age of 18.

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