
What should be included in a configuration management plan?

What should be included in a configuration management plan?

Sample Configuration Management Plan Outline

  • Organizations and Responsibilities.
  • Configuration Identification.
  • Configuration Change Control.
  • Configuration Status Accounting.
  • Configuration Reviews.

What is configuration management plan in PMP?

“The configuration management plan defines those items that are configurable, those items that are require formal change control, & the process for controlling changes to such items.” Configuration Planning tells us the following: What all project items are configurable (Configurable Items CIs)

What are the four elements of configuration management?

They are:

  • Configuration identification.
  • Configuration control.
  • Configuration status accounting.
  • Configuration audits.

What is Software Configuration Management Plan?

In software engineering, software configuration management (SCM or S/W CM) is the task of tracking and controlling changes in the software, part of the larger cross-disciplinary field of configuration management. SCM practices include revision control and the establishment of baselines.

Why do we need configuration management?

Why is configuration management important? Configuration management helps engineering teams build robust and stable systems through the use of tools that automatically manage and monitor updates to configuration data. Complex software systems are composed of components that differ in granularity of size and complexity.

Which of the following is incorrect activity for the configuration management?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which of the following is incorrect activity for the configuration management of a software system?
b. Change management
c. Version management
d. System management
Answer:Internship management

Which tool is use for structured designing?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which tool is use for structured designing ?
b. Structure chart
c. Data-flow diagram
d. Module
Answer:Structure chart

Which of the following option is not tracked by configuration management tools?

Which of the following option is not tracked by configuration management tools? Explanation: All the options are tracked. 8.

What is the major drawback of using RAD model?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Advantages of RAD Disadvantages of RAD
More productivity with fewer people Only suitable for projects which have a small development time
Time between prototypes and iterations is short More complex to manage when compared to other models

Which is the first step in the software development life cycle?

The first step in the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is Problem/Opportunity Identification. The process of problem identification involves the development of clear, straightforward problem statements that can be linked directly with the specific goals and objectives.

Which is the most important feature of spiral model?

The most important feature of the spiral model is handling these unknown risks after the project has started. Such risk resolutions are easier done by developing a prototype. The spiral model supports coping up with risks by providing the scope to build a prototype at every phase of the software development.

What are attributes of good software?

1)Maintainability, 2) Dependability, 3) Efficiency and, 4) Usability are the most important attributes of software products. Three most important characteristics of good software are 1) Operational 2)Transitional 3)Maintenance.

What are the four essential attributes of good software?

Essential software product attributes are maintainability, dependability and security, efficiency and acceptability.

What are the types of requirements?

The main types of requirements are:

  • Functional Requirements.
  • Performance Requirements.
  • System Technical Requirements.
  • Specifications.

What are the internal attribute of good software?

Internal vs. External Software Quality

  • External Quality Characteristics: Correctness, Usability, Efficiency, Reliability, Integrity, Adaptability, Accuracy, and Robustness.
  • Internal Quality Characteristics: Maintainability, Flexibility, Portability, Re-usability, Readability, Testability, and Understandability.

Which is a quality attribute?

Definition of Quality Attribute: A property of a work product or goods by which its quality will be judged by some stakeholder or stakeholders. Quality attributes are and should be quantifiable in specifications by the definition of some appropriate and practical scale of measure.

Which one is a quality attribute?

Software Quality Attributes are: Correctness, Reliability, Adequacy, Learnability, Robustness, Maintainability, Readability, Extensibility, Testability, Efficiency, Portability. – Independence of the actual application of the software system.

What is the difference between reliability and robustness attribute?

Robustness : The degree to which a system continues to function in the presence of invalid inputs or stressful environmental conditions. Reliability : The ability of a system to perform its requested functions under stated conditions whenever required – having a long mean time between failures.

What does reliability mean?

Quality Glossary Definition: Reliability. Reliability is defined as the probability that a product, system, or service will perform its intended function adequately for a specified period of time, or will operate in a defined environment without failure.

Is functionality a quality attribute?

Functionality and Architecture Functionality and quality attributes are orthogonal. Functionality may be achieved through the use of any of a number of possible structures. In fact, if functionality were the only requirement, the system could exist as a single monolithic module with no internal structure at all.

What are the major factors of software engineering?

Like all engineering discipline, software engineering is driven almost by three major factors: cost, schedule, and quality. The cost of developing a system is the cost of the resources used for the system, which in the case of software, are the manpower, hardware, software, and other support resources.

Which are the major factors that influence software costs?

Software Maintenance Cost Factors

  • Application Domain. If the application of the program is defined and well understood, the system requirements may be definitive and maintenance due to changing needs minimized.
  • Staff Stability.
  • Program Lifetime.
  • Dependence on External Environment.
  • Hardware Stability.

Which tools are used in implementation testing and maintenance?

Lower Case Tools – Lower CASE tools are used in implementation, testing and maintenance. Integrated Case Tools – Integrated CASE tools are helpful in all the stages of SDLC, from Requirement gathering to Testing and documentation.

What software factors affect maintenance costs?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which Software-end factors affecting maintenance Cost?
b. Programming Language
c. Dependence on external environment
d. All mentioned above
Answer:All mentioned above

How is software maintenance cost calculated?

 In survey 487 business data processing installations, Lientz and Swanson determined that typical level of effort devoted to software maintenance was around FOR EXAMPLE:  If a maintenance programmer can maintain 32KDSI, then two a maintenance programmers are required to main 64 KDSI: FSPm=(64KDSI)/(32 KDSI/FSP)=2 …

What is the average cost of software maintenance?

For this post we are going to focus on the Software Maintenance cost. Software maintenance is the annual cost that you pay for upgrades and support of the software. The software maintenance cost is driven by a percentage of the initial software license fee – which is usually between 16-25% of the license cost per year.

Why is software maintenance expensive?

But why does maintaining that software cost so much? Here are some of the reasons: Software by its nature is constantly evolving. Not only do users ask for new and modified features, but the systems on which the software runs keep changing, so the software has to be modified to fit new environments.

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