What should governments do to tackle the problem of homeless?

What should governments do to tackle the problem of homeless?

1 The Government can prevent more people becoming homeless. It must enable people to access accommodation by increasing rent supplement to match market rents; introducing tax breaks for landlords so it is feasible for them to lease properties; and provide greater security for tenants by regulating rents.

How do you say poor students?

Synonyms for Poor student

  1. bad student. n.
  2. impoverished student. n.
  3. penniless student. n.
  4. bad disciple. n.
  5. broke student. n.
  6. depressed student. n.
  7. hapless pupil. n.
  8. hapless student. n.

How do you say underprivileged in a nice way?

What can I say instead of underprivileged?

  1. depressed.
  2. deprived.
  3. destitute.
  4. disadvantaged.
  5. handicapped.
  6. impoverished.
  7. indigent.
  8. needy.

Is underprivileged OK to say?

Yes, underprivileged is politically correct. A good place to look for words synonymous to ‘poor’ is the internet.

What can I say instead of needy?

What is another word for needy?

poor destitute
impoverished indigent
poverty-stricken deprived
disadvantaged impecunious
penniless underprivileged

What can I say instead of underprivileged?

  • beggared,
  • broke,
  • destitute,
  • impecunious,
  • impoverished,
  • indigent,
  • needy,
  • penniless,

Is saying low income offensive?

Avoid using broad, pejorative, and generalizing terms to discuss SES. It is important to note that SES terms such as “low-income” and “poor” have historically served as implicit descriptors for racial and/or ethnic minority people.

What does underprivileged mean?

: having less money, education, etc., than the other people in a society : having fewer advantages, privileges, and opportunities than most people : poor or disadvantaged. See the full definition for underprivileged in the English Language Learners Dictionary. underprivileged.

What is underprivileged students?

Someone underprivileged doesn’t have the advantages other people have. Underprivileged people usually live in poverty. Many times, this word is used as a synonym for poor. People often worry about underprivileged children who are living in poverty and may not have access to healthy food or good medical care.

How can we help underprivileged students?

Tutor underprivileged students.

  1. You can contact any of your local school board and/or schools themselves to see if they have an after-school program/club to tutor children.
  2. Some people choose to go abroad to teach impoverished children who might not have access to good schools.

Why should you help underprivileged students?

Underprivileged children from disadvantaged families need our help. Raised in poverty, these children get exposed to the harshest realities of life. Underprivileged children are often denied their right to emotional, physical and social development.

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