What should my schnoodle weigh?

What should my schnoodle weigh?


Size Large
Weight/Height Range Mini – 6-12kg and 35cm, Medium – 20-30kg and 40- 45cm, Standard – 30-45kg and 45-65cm
Ailments Since the schnoodle is a crossbred dog, there are no documented genetic diseases. Allergic skin disease, pancreatitis, hip dysplasia, cataracts, epilepsy, bloat in large dogs.

At what age is a Schnoodle full grown?

Standard Schnoodles usually get to half their full weight around 6 to 7 months and their adult weight between 12 to 18 months. You can calculate their potential adult weight at 23 weeks by taking what they weigh at that age and multiplying it by two.

What is the life expectancy of a Schnoodle?

The average lifespan of a Miniature (small) Schnoodle is about 10-18 years. The Standard (medium) size is about 10-16 years, and the Giant (large) variety is about 10-15 years. However, this could vary depending on the sizes of the parents, and the general health and lifestyle of the dog.

Do Schnoodle dogs bark a lot?

The Schnoodle is loyal like the Schnauzer and fun-loving like the Poodle. Like his Schnauzer parent, a Schnoodle has a protective nature and makes a good watch dog. Like his Poodle parent, he’s smart and affectionate. He will bark, sometimes too much (a trait that should be nipped in the bud when he’s young).

Do Schnoodles like to cuddle?

They’re super affectionate If they’re socialized well from puppyhood, the Schnoodle will have no trouble making friends with anybody. They’re all about enthusiastic cuddles, face licks, and stealing more room than seems physically possible on the bed.

Are Schnoodles aggressive?

Schnoodles have a reputation for being very affectionate and loyal to their families. In fact they’re described as “forever happy” dogs. If they tend more to their Schnauzer heritage, they can be wary of strangers and be protective of the family. They are not known for being aggressive, however.

Are Schnoodles easy to train?

Pro: Easily Trained and Friendly Schnoodles take after poodles in that they are easily trained, according to GreatDogSite.com. Schnoodles are considered very intelligent dogs and take to training well when trained early. A schnoodle is very family oriented and enjoys being around humans for companionship.

Is a Schnoodle a good first dog?

Schnoodles are the perfect choice for first time dog owners because they are so amenable and people-oriented, loving nothing more than to please and to entertain their families. They are particularly good with children and older people too although playtime can get a bit boisterous at times.

Do Schnoodles like to swim?

A Schnoodle is adept at swimming because their forepaws have tremendous strength, and they use them to great advantage, cutting through the waves with speed and agility. And not only that but they also absolutely love to swim.

Why do Schnoodles lick so much?

The reason why your poodle licks you so much can be attributed to a few reasons: Licking is learned affectionate behavior. This licking behavior is repeated by the puppies, creating the pack bond. They like our scent and the taste of our skin.

How much do schnoodle puppies cost?

Schnoodle prices can range from $500 to over $3,000 but a price tag between $700 – $1,000 is normal. Factors such as a breeder’s location and reputation; the puppy’s size, age, and the current demand can all determine the price.

Why do Schnoodles bark so much?

Many Schnoodles will appear to bark purely for attention. Others will bark because they have concerns about strangers or other animals. Also, this can happen at any time of day.

Are Schnoodles nippy?

They love you unconditionally and are great with kids and other animals. I had a beautiful miniature poodle for 15 years and we recently adopted a cute miniature Schnoodle (he will be 6 months). Compared to my Poodle, my Schnoodle is very hyper, nippy and mischievous :).

Are Schnoodles stubborn?

Even though the Schnoodle is very intelligent, they can be very stubborn. The Schnauzer can be headstrong, so they need a firm hand and a confident trainer. Schnoodles can get bored easily from the same training techniques, so make sure to mix it up often enough to keep them entertained.

Can you train a schnauzer not to bark?

Although you can’t stop your schnauzer from barking completely, you can train him to bark when appropriate and stop when asked.

Why do Schnauzers have beards?

Because Schnauzers were bred specifically for hunting in the harsh German terrain and farms, their distinctive beards were ultimately used to protect them from the very rodents they were bred to hunt.

Why are Schnauzers so mean?

Giant Schnauzers have a massive body build, are courageous, and extremely loyal. It is this level of loyalty that makes them appear somewhat mean to intruders. Giant Schnauzers were also bred to guard farms and drive livestock, hence their territorial nature.

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