What sources require a citation?

What sources require a citation?

When Sources Must Be Cited (Checklist)

  • Quotations, opinions, and predictions, whether directly quoted or paraphrased.
  • Statistics derived by the original author.
  • Visuals in the original.
  • Another author’s theories.
  • Case studies.
  • Another author’s direct experimental methods or results.
  • Another author’s specialized research procedures or findings.

What are 5 things that don’t need to be cited?

There are certain things that do not need documentation or credit, including:

  • Writing your own lived experiences, your own observations and insights, your own thoughts, and your own conclusions about a subject.
  • When you are writing up your own results obtained through lab or field experiments.

What are the four things that need to be cited?

What Information Should Be Cited and Why?

  • Discuss, summarize, or paraphrase the ideas of an author.
  • Provide a direct quotation.
  • Use statistical or other data.
  • Use images, graphics, videos, and other media.

Do facts need to be cited?

Common knowledge does not need to be cited. Common knowledge includes facts that are known by a lot of people and can be found in many sources. For example, you do not need to cite the following: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.

What happens if you don’t cite your sources?

Failure to cite basically means that you are claiming that the entire paper and all of its information as yours and, if that’s untrue, it’s plagiarism. However, in situations where the citation is neither correct nor complete, it can definitely still be considered plagiarism.

Do you have to cite your source if you rewrite the sentence in your own words?

We recommend: If you rewrite that perfect paragraph or sentence (aka you paraphrase or summarize it), remember that the ideas in the reworded version still came from the original author(s)…so you must cite the original source! If you really want to use that superb sentence from another source, then quote it!

Can you plagiarize even if you cite the source?

If you correctly cite the source you do not commit plagiarism. However, the word ‘correct’ is vital in this sentence. In order to avoid plagiarism you must adhere to the guidelines of your citation style (e.g. APA citation style or MLA citation style).

How often should you cite the same source?

For example, it is considered overcitation to repeat the same citation in every sentence when the source and topic have not changed.

Is there a website that can paraphrases sentences for you?

QuillBot is a state-of-the-art paraphrasing tool. It is the best article rewriter available, and can completely paraphrase an entire article for free. Simply input a sentence, and hit the “Paraphrase” button. QuillBot will then rephrase the content while maintaining the original meaning.

Is there a website that can reword sentences?

Site summary: Rewordify.com helps with reading comprehension and vocabulary development by simplifying English to a lower reading level. It lets you reword a sentence or reword a paragraph.

Is using QuillBot cheating?

As of December 2018, submissions containing text that has been altered from its original version with your own synonyms AND/OR paraphrasing software/sites (spinbot, paraphrasing-tool, articlerewritertool, quillbot, rephraser, etc.), or translator service abuse, will be considered “egregious, unmitigated plagiarism.” …

What is a bad Turnitin similarity score?

Turnitin similarity score is considered bad if it is beyond 30% on the originality report, and the matching content is not cited and referenced.

How do I reduce similarity on Turnitin?

If your similarity index is high and you want to reduce it, check that: (a) Quotation marks (“…”) are used around every quote and the source is cited, (b) you are not over-using quotations, and (c) your own words are not too similar to the original text.

Why is my Turnitin similarity so high?

To estimate the similarity percentage, Turnitin compares the document with all texts available on its database. In this case, Turnitin unfortunately doesn’t recognize that it is the same text, and this is why it shows a high percentage.

Is turnitin ever wrong?

Turnitin finds false-positives A team from Texas Tech University conducted a similar experiment to that of Schorn and found questionable results. Turnitin marked 152 papers as having between 11% and 25% unoriginal text, while SafeAssign found only 55 documents in this category.

What percentage of Turnitin is acceptable?


Is yellow on Turnitin bad?

Green means less than 24% of the paper matched an outside source. This is ideal if sources are integrated well and cited correctly. Yellow means 25% – 49% of the paper matched an outside source. If there is no plagiarism, this paper would likely benefit from more paraphrasing and analysis.

Can teacher know if you plagiarized?

There are a number of ways teachers can figure out if their students are plagiarizing. There are a number of websites and programs that will help you do just that. You type in a portion of your student’s paper and run it through a plagiarism checker to see if those words appear elsewhere on the Internet.

What does it mean when Turnitin says 0 similarity?

When student submissions receive a 0% similarity score it means that none of the text in the paper is matching the enabled search sources.

What do the colors on Turnitin mean?

The color of the icon represents the similarity index percentage as follows: gray (originality report has not been generated) blue (no matching words) green (1-24% similarity index) yellow (25-49% similarity index)

What sources require a citation?

What sources require a citation?

When Sources Must Be Cited (Checklist)

  • Quotations, opinions, and predictions, whether directly quoted or paraphrased.
  • Statistics derived by the original author.
  • Visuals in the original.
  • Another author’s theories.
  • Case studies.
  • Another author’s direct experimental methods or results.
  • Another author’s specialized research procedures or findings.

What is citation and referencing?

The terms reference and citation are also often used to refer to the same thing although a citation tends to mean the part of the text within your assignment where you acknowledge the source; whilst a reference usually refers to the full bibliographic information at the end.

Why is there a need to include proper citation and referencing in your research paper?

Citing or documenting the sources used in your research serves three purposes: It gives proper credit to the authors of the words or ideas that you incorporated into your paper. It allows those who are reading your work to locate your sources, in order to learn more about the ideas that you include in your paper.

What should not be cited?

Common knowledge does not need to be cited. Common knowledge includes facts that are known by a lot of people and can be found in many sources. For example, you do not need to cite the following: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.

Can you plagiarize even if you cite the source?

If you’ve properly paraphrased or quoted and correctly cited the source, you are not committing plagiarism. However, the word correctly is vital. In order to avoid plagiarism, you must adhere to the guidelines of your citation style (e.g. APA or MLA).

How do you rewrite something in your own words?

Paraphrasing tips

  1. Start your first sentence at a different point from that of the original source.
  2. Use synonyms (words that mean the same thing)
  3. Change the sentence structure (e.g. from active to passive voice)
  4. Break the information into separate sentences.

Is it okay to copy and paste if you cite?

If you quote it and add citations, then it is not considered to be plagiarism. If you copy-paste the text and present someone’s ideas and thoughts as your own, then it is plagiarism. It is illegal and can be easily detected by special programs.

Is it OK to copy and paste from an outside source and only include a citation?

It is acceptable to copy-and-paste a sentence written by someone else into your paper and simply add quotation marks around it. Explanation: To show proper attribution, a writer must put quotation marks around the quoted passage and add a corresponding reference in MLA, APA, or any other format that is accepted.

Can I copy word for word if I cite?

Answer: The original text and your version of the text look very similar. Although it is clear that you are citing the source, it might be considered as plagiarism. You should either use quotes if you want to cite the text as is or paraphrase it to make it look different from the original.

Is it OK to use the same paper for two classes?

You can still use the same references as long as you cite them because you are more than likely going to cite them again anyways. The key though, the teacher wants to see your original work. When they check for plagiarism, each paper gets scanned into a database that is cross checked across the country.

Can I use the same paper for two classes?

It is definitely plagiarism if you use the same paper submitted in one class for another class, even if the subject is the same. You can either pick a different topic or research more on the subject to get different ideas to add when writing on the same subject.

Can I use my own paper for another class?

Simply reusing an old paper isn’t showing any new progress. In short, when it comes to reusing your work in the classroom, the answer is “Generally No” not “Never”. There are situations where it can be appropriate but only if it’s done with complete transparency.

Can I submit the same essay twice for college?

See, many colleges will ask for similar questions or essay prompts to include with your application. If you’ve already written an essay that happens to fit with another college’s similar prompt, then it should take you no time at all to spruce it up and submit it. Reusing the same essay is just fine.

Can you submit an assignment twice?

There is no way for you as the student to remove a submission, but at least in your case the instructor can see that you submitted the first assignment on time and in the wrong format, then again late in the correct format.

Can I copy and paste my own work?

Yes, technically you CAN plagiarize yourself. According to this page on the Lancaster University’s page, for example, they say: “Duplication of your own work:It is possible to plagiarise yourself by directly copying a section from a previous essay you have written and submitting it as part of your new essay.”

What are the three common styles of citing references?

There are (3) major citation styles used in academic writing:

  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Chicago, which supports two styles: Notes and Bibliography. Author-Date.

What are the two main types of referencing?

There are two types of citations.

  • In-text citations appear throughout your paper at the end of a sentence you are citing.
  • Works cited page (MLA) or reference list (APA) citations give all of the information your reader would need to find your source.

What are the types of reference?

Types of Reference Sources

  • bibliographies (lists of sources on specific topics)
  • biographical sources (information on the lives of individuals)
  • chronologies (dates and timelines for events)
  • directories (address and phone number information)

What are sources of reference?

Use reference books (also called reference or background sources, or resources) to get quick specific facts or information or an overview of a subject. Some examples of reference sources are: dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, almanacs, directories, atlases, and handbooks. These can be online or in print.

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