What special purpose does the CX register serve?

What special purpose does the CX register serve?

CX (Count register) This serves as a loop counter. Program loop constructions are facilitated by it. Count register can also be used as a counter in string manipulation and shift/rotate instruction.

What is the purpose of CX register in 8086?

It is used to store the value of the offset. CX – This is the counter register. It is of 16 bits and is divided into two 8-bit registers CH and CL to also perform 8-bit instructions. It is used in looping and rotation.

Which register is referred as counter?

Additionally, there are two status registers, the instruction pointer and the flags register. The instruction pointer, IP, is also often referred to as the program counter. This register contains the memory address of the next instruction to be executed.

What does a register file do?

A register file is an array of processor registers in a central processing unit (CPU). The instruction set architecture of a CPU will almost always define a set of registers which are used to stage data between memory and the functional units on the chip.

What is an advantage of a file register?

Advantages of Register variable: – Access optimization and speed of program execution: The operations of these variables are faster by orders of magnitude. – It is useful when you want to refer a variable frequently. – It allocates fast memory in the form of a register. – It helps to speed up program execution.

What register file contains?

Registers are temporary storage locations inside the CPU that hold data and addresses. The register file is the component that contains all the general purpose registers of the microprocessor. A few CPUs also place special registers such as the PC and the status register in the register file.

What is the difference between SRAM and register file?

Register file is used when the depth of memory is less and width is more. SRAM is used when high depth memory is needed. But SRAM is faster, but requires MBIST in asic.

Where should a register file be written?

Data is written into the tail of the queue and read from the head of the queue.No other data word stored in the queue may be accessed until it reaches the head of the queue, which means that all other data words written before that word was written must have been read and discarded.

What is an 8 bit register?

The accumulator is an 8-bit register (can store 8-bit data) that is the part of the arithmetic and logical unit (ALU). After performing arithmetical or logical operations, the result is stored in accumulator. Accumulator is also defined as register A. Flag registers: It consists of 8 bits and only 5 of them are useful.

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