What to do if you have no idea what to do after high school?

What to do if you have no idea what to do after high school?

Discover 9 things to do after high school that have nothing to do with college.

  1. Travel Abroad. Graduation means freedom from classwork, exams, teachers, and extracurricular activities.
  2. Do Charity Work.
  3. Save Money.
  4. Concentrate on Your Passion.

Is it bad to wait a year to go to college?

Taking a gap year before college will allow you to perform better when you do attend college. This is due to many reasons, but the main factor is that having a year of time off between the end of high school and the beginning of college will cause you to take your education more seriously.

Is it bad to take 2 gap years?

Gap years are not bad. The number of years you take off is unimportant. Try to do things that are relevant to medicine during those years; that’s all that matters.

Are students who take gap years more successful?

Students who take gap years are more successful in their university studies than mature aged students or students who enter university straight from high school, according to a new study.

Why a gap year is bad?

The Con: Gap years can be expensive. It can add up quick! Depending on the type of gap year travel you choose, you could be looking at some sizeable costs. And while you’re reveling in your newfound freedom from high school, it’s not like you’re made of cash! The costs of a gap year can be a little intimidating.

Do colleges care if you take a gap year?

If your gap year is structured and productive, colleges will likely view your “time on” very favorably. A gap year can provide students with the opportunity to learn, mature and discover what inspires them (all very valuable for success in college).

Is it wise to take a gap year?

Students who have done gap years are more likely to graduate in four years or less compared to the national average of six years. The time spent reflecting and learning about potential interests can help students make a more informed decision when picking their major and connect better with their selected field.

Do universities care if you take a gap year?

Many colleges and universities look very favorably on students who devote a gap year to working or volunteering in a service capacity.

Is it harder to get into uni after a gap year?

Yes, universities do accept prospective students who have undertaken a gap year. The majority of universities welcome those who have deferred entry. During your time off, you will have matured, have had time to think about what you really want to do, and will bring additional experience to your university of choice.

Does taking a gap year hurt your chances of getting into college?

A gap year is a great opportunity, and don’t let anyone tell you that it will hurt your chances of getting into college. Applying to college after taking a year off isn’t scary as long as you communicate, plan, work toward your goals, and stay on top of your deadlines and responsibilities.

How long is a gap year?

Simply put, a gap year is when you take a year off. It’s similar to a sabbatical, in that it’s time away from work or studies, but it’s not necessarily used to further studies or write a book. A gap year can also be any time frame, it doesn’t need to be a full year. It can be a semester or a few months.

Do employers like Gap years?

Gap Years can be immensely useful for your future job prospects. There are some who consider taking Gap Years even after they’ve finished college, and are already employed. Many employers say they value work experience over education. This should not be taken as a plea in favor of abandoning college all together.

Do you lose scholarships if you take a gap year?

Students who take a gap year may have to relinquish scholarships or financial aid. Each year colleges and universities are awarded a certain amount of financial aid dollars and scholarships to give away. Deferring your admission or applying to college after the gap year can change your award amount.

What are the cons of taking a gap year?


  • Fear you’ll “be behind” For many people considering a gap year, the biggest concern is that they’ll feel behind from their peers.
  • Worried you’ll lose momentum. Many students and their families worry that one year off could turn into many more and that students won’t return to college.
  • Cost.

Is it OK to take a year off after high school?

Some people just know that a year off after high school is right for them, whether it’s a gap year before college or before a career. But if you’re taking a gap year because you can’t wait to pack the year with experiences and adventures, it could be great fuel for your trajectory.

What are the pros and cons of taking a gap year?

10 Pros And Cons Of Taking A Gap Year

  • PRO: It gives you time to pursue other passions.
  • CON: You risk losing your academic momentum.
  • PRO: It gives you the opportunity to work and get money behind you.
  • CON: You risk wasting a lot of valuable time.
  • PRO: It could look impressive on your CV.
  • CON: It can be very expensive.

Are Gap Years expensive?

It is true, gap years are more expensive than other types of programs. But keep in mind, this is the cost for an entire year of living abroad. Gap years are not material or frivolous; they are an investment in your development as a person.

How much money do you need for a gap year?

Gap year costs vary enormously. Expect to pay between $5,000 and $40,000 per person depending on travel style, single, couple, or family, destinations, and activities. Our post looks at average gap year costs, expensive, and cheap gap year expenses.

How do you take a gap year with no money?

If you put in the research and planning, you CAN take a cheap gap year. But now you’re wondering what to do on a gap year with no money, right?…What to do on a gap year with no money

  1. Volunteer.
  2. WWOOF it!
  3. Work.
  4. Study a language.
  5. Become an intern.
  6. Teach abroad.
  7. Conduct research.
  8. Stay home and take care of business.

What percentage of students take gap years?

40 percent

What can you do with no money?

13 Ways to Have Fun Without Spending Money

  • Go on a picnic.
  • Go to no-cost museum and zoo days.
  • Give geocaching a try.
  • Leverage your chamber of commerce.
  • Take a historical city tour.
  • Visit a farmers market.
  • Go camping.
  • Do a photography challenge.

How do you prepare for a gap year?

Prepare for your gap year this summer with these strategies

  1. Break Your Year into Chunks.
  2. Define Your Purpose and Goals.
  3. Research and Budget.
  4. Speak to a Specialist.
  5. Book Early.
  6. Start to Think about those Travel Essentials.
  7. Leave some time to chance.
  8. Gap Year Sorted in Just One Summer.

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