What to say instead of his her?

What to say instead of his her?

If necessary, use “one” instead of “he or she” or “his or her.” However, one should avoid this formulation as well, if possible, since the use of “one” can be awkward. Less desirable: A person who masters the basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and good writing is likely to impress his or her supervisors.

What is he/she/they in grammar?

A personal pronoun is a short word we use as a simple substitute for the proper name of a person. I, you, he, she, it, we they, me, him, her, us, and them are all personal pronouns. Personal pronouns are the stunt doubles of grammar; they stand in for the people (and perhaps animals) who star in our sentences.

What does he/she mean?

(informal, derogatory) A transsexual or transgender female; a female person who is biologically male.

Which is correct it is he or it is him?

We would not say “him is it”, so don’t say “it is him” When you answer the phone and someone asks for you, you say, “This is he”…or “it is I”. The strictly correct English only knows “it is he”. The nominative case pronoun is called for, not the objective case.

Should I use me or myself in a sentence?

While “myself” and “me” are both objects, “myself” is what is called a special object. You should use “myself” and not “me” as the object, only when you are the subject of the sentence. Example: I could not dress myself.

What is the difference who and whom?

“Who” and is a subjective pronoun. “Whom” is an objective pronoun. That simply means that “who” is always subject to a verb, and that “whom” is always working as an object in a sentence. “Who,” the subjective pronoun, is the doer of an action….

What is the subject of a sentence?

The subject is sometimes called the “naming part” of a sentence or clause. It shows what the sentence is about, or who or what is performing an action in the sentence. The subject is most often a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase….

What is the difference between the subject and object of a sentence?

A subject is the person, place, or thing that performs the action (verb). A noun or pronoun can be used as the object in a sentence. An object is the person, place, or thing that receives the action.

How do you identify the subject and object?

If you want to understand the grammar behind English language, let’s have a look at the subject and object in sentences. As a basic rule: The subject is the person or thing doing something. The object is having something done to it….

What is the indirect speech of said?

Usually indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said. Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that something was said in the past….Direct & Indirect Speech.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
imperative He said, “Go to school every day.” infinitive He said to go to school every day.

What is a reported speech and examples?

Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. direct speech: ‘I work in a bank,’ said Daniel. indirect speech: Daniel said that he worked in a bank.

How do you teach reported speech?

How to Teach Reported Speech in 3 Steps

  1. Get rid of the quotation marks and comma, and insert ‘that’ after the word ‘said’
  2. Backshift the verb (make it more past)
  3. Change the point-of-view words (certain pronouns, determiners, and adverbs) to fit the new context.

What is the difference between said and told in reported speech?

Note that when we are quoting direct speech, say is the more commonly used verb as say refers to any kind of speech. Tell is used only with the meaning of instruct or inform.

What is direct speech answer?

Direct speech is writing down or reporting the actual words that were said by a speaker; “I’m looking forward to playing football on Saturday,” Max said.

What are the features of direct speech?

The general rules of direct speech are:

  • Each new character’s speech starts on a new line.
  • Speech is opened with speech marks.
  • Each line of speech starts with a capital.
  • The line of speech ends with a comma, exclamation mark or question mark.
  • A reporting clause is used at the end (said Jane, shouted Paul, replied Mum).

How do you convert direct speech to reported speech?

Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech: She said, “I am tired.” = She said that she was tired….Tense changes when using reported speech.

Phrase in direct speech Equivalent in reported speech
Present perfect Past perfect
“I have been to Spain”, he told me. He told me that he had been to Spain.

What is the other name for indirect speech?

In linguistics, indirect speech (also reported speech or indirect discourse) is a grammatical mechanism for reporting the content of another utterance without directly quoting it.

What is quoted and reported speech?

Quoted speech uses quotation marks and the exact words that a person has said. Reported speech (also called indirect speech) relates what the person said, but does not use the exact words. The general rule is that reported speech “backs up” one verb tense. This will be explained in further detail later in the lesson.

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