
What treaty means?

What treaty means?

Treaty, a binding formal agreement, contract, or other written instrument that establishes obligations between two or more subjects of international law (primarily states and international organizations).

What is another word for treaty?

Synonyms of treaty

  • accord,
  • alliance,
  • compact,
  • convention,
  • covenant,
  • pact.

What is a sentence for absurd?

Absurd sentence example. It had an absurd ritual and a strange uniform. I’m curious, and it’s absurd I’m not allowed to talk to anyone! He is a most absent-minded and absurd fellow, but he has a heart of gold.

What is absurd example?

Something absurd is really silly, absolutely ridiculous, or total nonsense. Thinking you can wear flip flops and a bikini to the North Pole is an absurd idea, for example. If you run into someone dressed in an absurd outfit or watch a movie full of absurd jokes, you’ll probably have a good laugh.

Can a nihilist love?

Nihilists can love and do love. Yes, of course they can. Anyone who denies this is denying the existence of a natural and powerful human condition. It’s like asking “can nihilists smell flowers”.

Is there a purpose to life?

Happiness is itself the goal, there is no purpose to it. Life is like love, life is like happiness. And once you can understand this your ways of living will change totally, because if there is no purpose in life itself there is no need to create a purpose for your individual life also – no need.

What does 42 mean in coding?

Anything you want it to be

What does 101010 mean in binary?

In binary, 101010 is the number 42. 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything.

What is the question for 42?

Take author Douglas Adams’s popular 1979 science-fiction novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the first in a series of five. Toward the end of the book, the supercomputer Deep Thought reveals that the answer to the “Great Question” of “Life, the Universe and Everything” is “forty-two.”

What means anther?

: the part of a stamen that produces and contains pollen and is usually borne on a stalk — see flower illustration.

Is it an answer or a answer?

If a particular question could have multiple answers, you would use an answer. If a particular question has one answer, you would use the answer.

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