What type of AED should I buy?

What type of AED should I buy?

1 Philips Heartstart OnSite/Home Defibrillator. The Phillips Heartstart portable defibrillator: our most recommended AED for home or public use.

What are the weight age classifications for AED use?

For the purpose of AED use, a child is age 1-8, or weighs less than 55 lbs. An infant is less than 1 year old. Children and infants require a lower level of energy to defibrillate the heart. Child victim: Use an AED with pediatric pads or equipment.

What are some special considerations when using an AED?

There are several special circumstances to consider when using an AED.

  • Excessive chest hair. If the victim has a hairy chest you will need to remove the hair prior to placing the AED pads on the victim’s chest.
  • Medication Patches.
  • Water and/or sweat.
  • Pacemakers or Defibrillators.
  • Fully Automated AED.

What is the first step of using an AED?

After checking the scene and ensuring that the person needs help, you should ask a bystander to call 911 for help, then: 1Turn on the AED and follow the visual and/or audio prompts. 2 Open the person’s shirt and wipe his or her bare chest dry.

Can you use an AED on a pregnant lady?

CPR in a pregnant woman should be done in cycles of 30 compressions and two breaths. It is also safe to use an automated external defibrillator, or AED, if one is available. Bystanders should not be afraid they might hurt the unborn baby, Jeejeebhoy said.

Can someone be breathing without a pulse?

It often occurs at the same time as cardiac arrest, but not always. In the context of advanced cardiovascular life support, however, respiratory arrest is a state in which a patient stops breathing but maintains a pulse. Importantly, respiratory arrest can exist when breathing is ineffective, such as agonal gasping.

What is a weak pulse called?

Shock happens when blood flow is reduced to vital organs. This causes a weak pulse, rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing, and unconsciousness. Shock can be caused by anything from dehydration, infection, severe allergy attack to a heart attack.

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