What type of animal is Molly?

What type of animal is Molly?

Molly, any of several species of tropical fish of the genus Poecilia, in the live-bearer family, Poeciliidae (order Cyprinodontiformes). Hardy and attractive, mollies are popular aquarium fish ranging from about 5 to 13 cm (2 to 5 inches) long.

Is Molly fish aggressive?

They are a peaceful bunch most of the time but can show signs of aggression when crowded or surrounded by aggressive tank mates. Therefore, it’s important that their tank is big enough, and that they have suitable tank mates (more on this later). Mollies are active and social so they enjoy schooling together.

What country are molly fish from?

Mollies are mostly found from Southern United States down into Central America. 1 The native habitat of these fish extends from the southern United States to the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, and they thrive mainly in freshwater environments, sometimes venturing into brackish estuaries.

What was Black Molly?

The Black Molly is a short-finned hybrid variation of Poecilia latipinna, the Sailfin Molly. The Black Molly is all black in coloration with short fins. Mollies have the ability to adapt to a variety of salt levels in the aquarium.

How many babies can a black molly fish have?

They can give birth to between 40 and 100 fry. Mollies that are young or are having one of their first few pregnancies will tend to give birth to a smaller rather than larger number of fry. When a molly female is near her time to give birth, you will need to separate her from the rest of the tank.

How long do molly fish live for?

On average, they will only live for one to one and a half years. By comparison, naturally occurring types of mollies can live for up to five years if properly cared for. If you’d rather have a longer-living fish, you may be better off keeping a different type of molly.

Can a Molly live alone?

Can Molly fish live alone? Mollies are friendly, peaceful fish that generally get along with their tank mates well. They will grow depressed and isolated if kept alone and should have at least a few other mollies in the same tank. They do best when kept in the company of other live bearers.

What happens when a Molly gives birth?

Molly fish are livebearers, which simply means that instead of laying eggs, fertilizing them on the spawning site and hatching them, molly fish give birth to live fish. The female molly stores the fertilized eggs inside her body until they hatch and only then does she release the fry into the tank.

Do Mollies poop a lot?

Mollies usually poop a lot when you overfeed them. However, this behavior is also expected in pregnant mollies before giving birth. But if your pregnant molly is eating a healthy amount, it will poop a lot. In such cases, you are encouraged to feed it a healthy diet that includes plenty of live foods and plant matter.

What does a female molly fish look like?

Female mollies have bulky figures; they’re wider than males at the rear of the abdomen for breeding purposes. When pregnant, she will take on a bulging, lumpy appearance. Her fins are shorter; the anal fins are triangular.

Should you separate a pregnant Molly?

When you have a pregnant Molly, you do need to separate them from the rest of your fish. Because Mollies are live-bearing, other fish may think the babies are food. If mollies give birth in the tank, there is a good chance other fish or the mother eats the fry.

Do Mollies get aggressive when pregnant?

Mollies are not the most aggressive fish species out there but the behavior of the female molly fish changes during the length of its pregnancy. When mollies get pregnant, they showcase aggressive behavior.

Do molly fish kill other fish?

Yes it’s normal, it could be that they are breeding too. Mollies sometimes chase and attack other mollies while feeding but they will not cause that much harm. However if you have a tank too small and the fish getting bullied is not getting any food at all -> It might die from stress and sickness.

Can mollies and guppies live together?

Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well together. And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. So before you put the two fish together in a tank make sure you read the article below to find out the best chances of success.

Are molly fish mammals?

No they are not mammals. Fish can be either be a live barer or lay eggs.

Are Mollies aggressive?

While mollies are mostly peaceful, they will become very aggressive when crowded, which makes them feel threatened. Talk to your fish store owner about the different species of Mollhyfish and how many you should have in your size aquarium.

Does Molly eat dead fish?

If the missing fish has indeed died at some point, most fish -mollies included- will pick at or eat the carcass. Usually you will find a little remaining, but depending in how decorated or planted your aquarium is, you may not.

Do Mollies need tank mates?

Mollies are friendly, peaceful fish that generally get along with their tank mates well. They have been known to act territorial when around food and defending their homes, but as long as they have a large enough tank with suitable tank mates they will be just fine.

Why is my Molly chasing my guppies?

Territorial Struggles If the tank is crowded, your guppies might lash out against their neighbors as a way of securing space for their kind. You may suspect that this is your case if your guppies are chasing your molly or platy once they have approached their environment.

Does Black Molly eat Guppy?

Feeding your guppies and mollies once a day or every other day is more than enough. Mollies however are bigger algae eaters than guppies. So if you have an algae problem in your tank, mollies will take care of it. Mollies will not consume all types of algae, but they will eat any softer algae.

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