What type of character is John Oakhurst?
John Oakhurst is the strong, silent type, always unruffled in times of trouble. So when he is exiled to the next town over—forced to make the dangerous journey through the mountains to get there—he barely even blinks.
Why is Poker Flat after Mr Oakhurst?
1. Why are Oakhurst and the others forced to leave Poker Flat? = The resident of the Poker Flat want to improve the town by expelling the townspeople who were undesirable, so Oakhurst and the others forced to leave Poker Flat as a part townspeople who were undesirable.
Why does Tom Simson like Mr Oakhurst so much?
Why is Tom Simson devoted to Mr. Oakhurst? Mr. Oakhurst won all of Simson’s money but returned it to him and told him not to gamble again because not good at it.
What do you think the narrator means when he says that Oakhurst is at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts?
What do you think the narrator means when he says that Oakhurst is “at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts”? Just because someone’s accused of something, they are not necessarily bad people. Tough times bring out the best in people.
What is the main message of the Outcasts of Poker Flat?
Bret Harte finalizes the confirmation his main message, which is that humanity runs deeper than external appearances and can’t be judged by lip-service and propriety, when Oakhurst selflessly offers himself as a sacrifice in the hope that the women might live.
Why did the town suddenly decide to clean up Poker Flat?
Why did the citizens suddenly decide to clean up Poker Flat? Why did they banish Oakhurst instead of hanging him? It is part of Oakhurst’s business, as a gambler, to be aware of what other people have on their minds, as in a poker game.
Is Poker Flat ordinarily a religious town How can you tell?
At the beginning of the story, when the outcasts are first leaving town due to their banishment, the street is described as feeling “Sabbath”-like, something that the town is “unused to.” The Sabbath is a religious day of worship, so the fact that it was rare for the town to have that type of atmosphere tells readers …
What happened to Uncle Billy in The Outcasts of Poker Flat?
By morning, Uncle Billy is gone and the mules are nowhere to be found. The story never reveals what happened to Uncle Billy—whether he made it to the next town over or died in the pursuit—but he is nonetheless spared the long, agonizing death that the rest of the outcasts (plus Tom and Piney) are forced to endure.
What does Outcasts of Poker Flat reveal about the West?
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Outcasts of Poker Flat, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Far from being a stable, supportive community, the Old West settlement of Poker Flat is immediately revealed to be a dangerous place, governed by the whims of a powerful few.
What is ironic about the title of the Outcasts of Poker Flat?
Therefore the central irony that underlies “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” is that the outcast’s behavior and kindness toward each other proves that they have qualities of mind and heart that society honors–even if their professions are on the less respectable side–while the morally guiding secret committee of Poker …
Who died in the Outcast of Poker Flat?
The shortest answer possible to your question is this: all but two of the travelers die at the camp. The travelers that wind up at the camp are John Oakhurst, Mother Shipton, Duchess, Tom Simson, Piney Woods, and Uncle Billy.
How does Oakhurst kill himself?
On The 7th December, 1850. Oakhurst had chosen to take his own life, with a Derringer by his side and a bullet in his heart, though still calm as in life, beneath the snow lay he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat.
Did Tom Simon die?
Tom Simpson (30 November 1937 – 13 July 1967) was a British professional cyclist, one of Britain’s most successful of all time. At the time of the 1967 Tour de France, he was the undisputed leader of the British team. In the 13th stage of that race, he collapsed and died during the ascent of Mont Ventoux.
Does Oakhurst kill himself?
John felt like his bad habits finally got to him, and it was his fault and his fault only. Ultimately, Oakhurst kills himself, he loses whatever hope he had left for survival and ended his own life.
Did any of the citizens of Poker Flat win money from Oakhurst?
Oakhurst, the gambler, from leaving town with the money he has won from them, but another faction, who has profited from Oakhurst’s stay, overrules the others in order to retain certain winnings.
Does Mr Oakhurst change throughout the story?
Expert Answers I don’t know that John Oakhurst really changed all that much during “The Outcasts of Poker Flat.” Oakhurst was a different kind of gambler: Although he was always cool and confident, he also had a streak of kind heartedness.
How is Mr Oakhurst at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the Outcasts of Poker Flat?
The last description of John Oakhurst in the story is “he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat.” The first description is that he is a gambler. He was too much of a gambler not to accept Fate.
Who was the protagonist in The Outcasts of Poker Flat?
Jim Wheeler