
What type of government was Sparta?

What type of government was Sparta?

Sparta was a city in Greece in which the form of the kingdom in the form of joint authority was preserved. Spartan political system was a combination of monarchy (kings), oligarchy (Gerousia) and democracy (ephoroi, ephors).

Was Sparta a democracy?

Democracy refers to a system of government in which every person has the right to participate. The two city-states that best represent each form of government were Sparta (oligarchy) and Athens (democracy). Athens focused more on culture, while Sparta focused more on war.

What kind of government did Sparta have quizlet?

Sparta was called an oligarchy because the real power was in the hands of a few people. The important decisions were made by the council of elders. Council members had to be at least 60 and wealthy. Council members served for life.

What type of government did Sparta have compared to Athens?

Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Thus, because both parts of Athens’ government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. Spartan life was simple.

What did Athens have that Sparta didn t?

One of the main ways they were similar was in their form of government. Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Thus, because both parts of Athens’ government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. Spartan life was simple.Il y a 7 jours

What was another name for Sparta?

Sparta (Doric Greek: Σπάρτα, Spártā; Attic Greek: Σπάρτη, Spártē) was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece. In antiquity, the city-state was known as Lacedaemon (Λακεδαίμων, Lakedaímōn), while the name Sparta referred to its main settlement on the banks of the Eurotas River in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese.

Why did Sparta fight Athens?

The reasons for this war are sometimes traced back as far as the democratic reforms of Cleisthenes, which Sparta always opposed. However, the more immediate reason for the war was Athenian control of the Delian League, the vast naval alliance that allowed it to dominate the Mediterranean Sea.

Who is the most feared warrior in history?

The Deadliest Warriors Throughout History

  • Count Roland.
  • Vlad the Impaler.
  • Varvakis.
  • Lu Bu.
  • Sun Tzu.
  • Leonidas of Sparta.
  • Genghis Khan. Khan’s bloody terror at the reigns of the Mongol Army literally changed and helped shape the world.
  • Alexander the Great. He was the most revered man in the world at the time of his death.

Who is powerful king in India?

Emperor Akbar

Who is the bravest king in India?

Here are 8 kings and queens that Indian history is thankful to for their courage and valour.

  1. Porus. Image Credit: wikipedia.
  2. Maharana Pratap. Image Credit: hindivarta.com.
  3. Chatrapati Shivaji. Image Credit: indiaopines.
  4. Rani of Jhansi. Image Credit: indiatimes.
  5. Chandragupta Maurya.
  6. Tipu Sultan.
  7. Rani Padmavati.
  8. Yashwantrao Holkar.

Who Ruled India most?

List of largest empires in India

Empire Approximate maximum extent (Area in km²) Size as percentage of area of Republic of India
Maurya Empire 5,000,000 152%
British Raj 4,574,000 139%
Mughal Empire 4,000,000 122%
Gupta Empire 3,500,000 106%

Who Ruled India first?

Maurya Empire

Who was the 1st Emperor of India?

Chandragupta Maurya

Which is oldest dynasty in India?

Mauryan empire

Category: Uncategorized

What type of government was Sparta?

What type of government was Sparta?


Did Sparta have a tyrant?

Opposition to oligarchic domination brought the first Greek tyrants1 to power in numerous city-states, although Sparta never experienced a tyranny. Also, the men who became tyrants were usually aristocrats, or at least near-aristocrats, who nevertheless rallied support from non-aristocrats for their coups.

Who beat the Spartans?

The decisive defeat of the Spartan hoplite army by the armed forces of Thebes at the battle of Leuctra in 371 B.C. ended an epoch in Greek military history and permanently altered the Greek balance of power.

Was Athens or Sparta a democracy?

In Ancient Greece there were two different major forms of government, oligarchy and democracy. The two city-states that best represent each form of government were Sparta (oligarchy) and Athens (democracy). Athens focused more on culture, while Sparta focused more on war.

Is Athens or Sparta better?

Sparta is far superior to Athens because their army was fierce and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. First, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece. This made Sparta one of the safest cities to live in.

What was another name for Sparta?


Lacedaemon Λακεδαίμων (Ancient Greek)
Common languages Doric Greek
Religion Greek polytheism
Government Diarchy

Did Spartan soldiers sleep together?

Although the primary example is the Sacred Band of Thebes, a unit said to have been formed of same-sex couples, the Spartan tradition of military heroism has also been explained in light of strong emotional bonds resulting from homosexual relationships.

How tall was a Spartan?

Depending on the type of Spartan the height of a Spartan II (fully armoured) is 7 feet tall (spartan 3) 6’7 feet tall (spartan II) 7 feet tall (spartan 4), and have a reinforced endoskeleton.

What is Sparta called today?


Are there still Spartans today?

But today there is still a town called Sparta in Greece in the very same spot as the ancient city. So, in a way, Spartans still exist, although these days they tend to be a little less strict and certainly not as good at fighting with spears and shields as the ancients.

What God did Sparta worship?

Sparta worshipped Ares and Artemis Orthia as their patron deities.

Can Helot become a Spartan?

The Helots were slaves of the state, which assigned them to individual citizens to cultivate their lands. The Neodamodeis, however, had no civil rights; and indeed it was but seldom that a Helot ever became a Spartan citizen.

What were slaves called in Sparta?

The helots were the slaves of the Spartans. Distributed in family groups across the landholdings of Spartan citizens in Laconia and Messenia, helots performed the labour that was the bedrock on which Spartiate leisure and wealth rested.

What was the treatment of slaves in Sparta?

Helots were ritually mistreated, humiliated and even slaughtered: every autumn the Spartans would declare war on the helots so they could be killed by a member of the Crypteia without fear of religious repercussion. Uprisings and attempts to improve the lot of the helots did occur, such as the Conspiracy of Cinadon.

Where was Sparta located?

ancient Greece

Did Sparta conquer Athens?

After the battle of Aegospotami, Sparta took over the Athenian empire and kept all of its tribute revenues for itself; Sparta’s allies, who had made greater sacrifices for the war effort than had Sparta, got nothing. For a short period of time, Athens was ruled by the “Thirty Tyrants”, and democracy was suspended.

Was there slavery in Greece?

Slavery was an accepted practice in ancient Greece, as in other societies of the time. Athens had the largest slave population, with as many as 80,000 in the 5th and 6th centuries BC, with an average of three or four slaves per household, except in poor families.

Who were slaves in Athens?

Slaves were the lowest class in Athenian society, but according to many contemporary accounts they were far less harshly treated than in most other Greek cities. Indeed, one of the criticisms of Athens was that its slaves and freemen were difficult to tell apart.

Did Greece have African slaves?

Africans also served as slaves in ancient Greece (74.51. 2263), together with both Greeks and other non-Greek peoples who were enslaved during wartime and through piracy.

What type of government was Sparta?

What type of government was Sparta?


Did the Spartan government strengthen or weaken Greece?

Sparta is both strengthened and weakened by this form of exploitation. The Spartan kings, even when in agreement, do not wield absolute power. The state is governed by a well balanced combination of two kings, five ephors, a council of elders and an assembly of all the citizens (see Ephors and elders).

Why is spartan government better than Athens?

Sparta is far superior to Athens because their army was fierce and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. First, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece. The Spartans believed this made them strong and better mothers.

Why did Athens and Sparta go to war?

The Peloponnesian War is the name given to the long series of conflicts between Athens and Sparta that lasted from 431 until 404 BC. However, the more immediate reason for the war was Athenian control of the Delian League, the vast naval alliance that allowed it to dominate the Mediterranean Sea.

What was good about Sparta?

City of Sparta. Sparta was one of the most powerful city-states in Ancient Greece. It is famous for its powerful army as well as its battles with the city-state of Athens during the Peloponnesian War. Sparta was located in a valley on the banks of the Eurotas River in the south-eastern portion of Greece.

What was bad about Sparta?

Spartans were renowned for their devotion to physical fitness and proper diet, and they reserved a special loathing for overweight citizens, who were publicly ridiculed and risked being banished from the city-state.

What were Spartan and Athenian advantages in the war?

Sparta’s militaristic culture was an essential part of their life and values system. Their military was much stronger than Athens’ and had better training. This was their major advantage. As far as disadvantages, it might be hard to imagine how a militaristic city-state could possibly have any in war.

What advantages did Sparta have during the Peloponnesian War?

What advantages did Sparta and Athens each have in the war? Sparta had a strong military force; their location couldn’t br attacked by sea. Athens had a strong navy and could strike sparta’s allies by sea.

What was good about ancient Athens?

Athens was the largest and most influential of the Greek city-states. It had many fine buildings and was named after Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. The Athenians invented democracy, a new type of government where every citizen could vote on important issues, such as whether or not to declare war.

How did geography give Sparta an advantage in the war?

Sparta had protection from the mountains and had good farmland. So there for they could feed the warriors. Also they used the area to there advantages.

Did Sparta have good farmland?

As it flows down from the north, the Eurotas has created a broad flat flood plain which is relatively open. This means that Sparta had more good, usable farmland than almost any other polis in Greece proper.

Why did Athens lose the Peloponnesian War quizlet?

What contributed to Athens losing the Peloponnesian War? – Athens was overcrowded, and a plague spread through the city. – The death of Pericles led the Spartans to attack Athens directly.

Why did Pericles rebuild Athens quizlet?

Pericles led the rebuilding of Athens after the Persian war. He encouraged the arts and made reforms to encourage the growth of democracy. Why can Athens be called a city of contrast? The people of Athens lived in small, uncomfortable houses,but the city’s public spaces were large and beautiful.

What was a result of Peloponnesian War?

The Peloponnesian War ended in victory for Sparta and its allies, but signaled the demise of Athenian naval and political hegemony throughout the Mediterranean. Democracy in Athens was briefly overthrown in 411 BCE as a result of its poor handling of the Peloponnesian War.

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