What type of pronoun is mine?

What type of pronoun is mine?

Other Types of Pronoun

Pronoun Type Members of the Subclass
Possessive mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
Reflexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Reciprocal each other, one another
Relative that, which, who, whose, whom, where, when

How do you use my and mine?

As you rightly note, my is a possessive adjective and mine is a possessive pronoun. So, this means you use my where you already have a noun (such as question) and want to indicate ownership. Like with all pronouns, you use mine in place of another noun when it’s understood what’s being discussed.

What are the two kinds of possessive pronouns?

Possessive pronouns do exactly what it seems like they should do. They are the pronouns that help us show possession or ownership in a sentence. There are two types of possessive pronouns: The strong (or absolute) possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, and theirs.

What is a possessive phrase?

The possessive form is used with nouns referring to people, groups of people, countries, and animals. It shows a relationship of belonging between one thing and another. If the noun is plural, or already ends in s, just add an apostrophe after the s.

What are possessive nouns examples?

Using Apostrophes to Form Possessive Nouns

Type Example of Type Possessive Noun
singular noun dog dog’s dinner dog’s dinners
plural noun dogs dogs’ dinner dogs’ dinners
singular noun ending -s Chris Chris’ hat or Chris’s hat
plural noun not ending -s People People’s rights

What are some examples of possessive adjectives?

Examples of Possessive Adjective

  • My computer is not working as fast as it worked in the beginning.
  • Our father told us not to quarrel with anyone.
  • Your cycle has been stolen yesterday.
  • Your child is not doing well in the school.
  • We are concerned about his performance.
  • The students of class seven submitted their assignment.

What are the possessive adjectives and how do we use them in sentences?

Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. The possessive adjective needs to agree with the possessor and not with the thing that is possessed. My car is very old.

What is an independent possessive?

An independent possessive does not precede a noun, as in “It is my pencil”, but stands alone: “It is mine”. The independent possessive is only used when the possessor is a person.

How do you use possessive pronouns?

Possessive pronouns can be used to describe single objects or more than one. To describing something singular, you would use one of the following pronouns: “mine, yours, his, hers”. E.g. “The cat is mine.” “ This round is yours.

What does a possessive pronoun show?

Possessive pronouns describe what things belong to which people, like “her shoe” or “the book is mine.” Possessive pronouns can be adjectives, like “his bicycle,” or they can stand in for nouns, like “the seats are theirs.” Neither of these forms should have apostrophes to show possession — so it’s ours (not our’s) …

Why do we use possessive pronouns?

We use possessive pronouns to refer to a specific person/people or thing/things (the “antecedent”) belonging to a person/people (and sometimes belonging to an animal/animals or thing/things). We use possessive pronouns depending on: number: singular (e.g: mine) or plural (e.g: ours)

What is difference between possessive adjective and possessive pronoun?

A possessive adjective is always followed by a noun. A possessive pronoun is used without a noun. Examples are: his, hers, yours, theirs, ours, mine etc.

What kind of word is its?

It’s is a contraction of “it is” or “it has.” Its is a possessive determiner we use to say that something belongs to or refers to something. It’s and its are among the most commonly confused words.

How do you identify possessive adjectives?

The possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose. A possessive adjective sits before a noun (or a pronoun) to show who or what owns it. Read more about determiners.

Is mine’s correct?

Not mines, but mine’s (mine is). As in, “You cooked a good turkey, but mine’s better.”

What are the different types of adjectives with examples?

Types of Adjectives

  • Descriptive Adjectives.
  • Quantitative Adjectives.
  • Proper Adjectives.
  • Demonstrative Adjectives.
  • Possessive Adjectives.
  • Interrogative Adjectives.
  • Indefinite Adjectives.
  • Articles.

What is the proper adjective?

A proper adjective is a type of adjective. Proper adjective is a word that modifies nouns and pronouns and is formed from a proper noun. A proper noun is the specific name used for any person, place, or thing.

What is the proper adjective for Portugal?

Countries, Adjective Forms & Nationalities: Countries, Adjective Forms, and Nationalities (#11)

country adjective nationality
Peru Peruvian* Peruvian*
Philippines Philippine Filipino*
Poland Polish Pole*
Portugal Portuguese Portuguese

What type of pronoun is mine?

What type of pronoun is mine?

Other Types of Pronoun

Pronoun Type Members of the Subclass
Possessive mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
Reflexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Reciprocal each other, one another
Relative that, which, who, whose, whom, where, when

What are the 7 possessive pronouns?

My, mine, your, yours, her, hers, his, its, our, ours, their, and theirs are possessive pronouns. Use my, your, her, our, and their before nouns.

How do you use my and mine?

As you rightly note, my is a possessive adjective and mine is a possessive pronoun. So, this means you use my where you already have a noun (such as question) and want to indicate ownership. Like with all pronouns, you use mine in place of another noun when it’s understood what’s being discussed.

What are personal and possessive pronouns?

We use personal pronouns (I, me, he, him, etc.) to replace names or nouns when it is clear what they refer to. We use possessives (my, your, her) when it is not necessary to name the person the thing belongs to. We use personal pronouns to avoid repeating nouns.

Is he personal or possessive?

Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English

Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns
as subject (nominative) as object (accusative and dative) as a noun
he him his
she her hers
it it its

Is someone’s possessive?

Someone’s can mean someone is or be the possessive form of someone. You can typically figure it out given the context. In your context it means someone is and it should be clear to most, if not all, native speakers. It is a standard form and entirely grammatical.

What is a possessive phrase?

The possessive form is used with nouns referring to people, groups of people, countries, and animals. It shows a relationship of belonging between one thing and another. If the noun is plural, or already ends in s, just add an apostrophe after the s.

Can a verb be possessive?

Any verb that is followed by a gerund can have an inserted “subject” before the gerund. This subject should, technically speaking, be in the form of a possessive adjective (e.g, “my,” “his,” “our,” “someone’s,” “John’s,” “the dog’s”).

What is a singular possessive?

Jul 10, 2017. The singular possessive case is a singular noun or pronoun (a word for one person or thing) that indicates something belongs to that person or thing.

How do you make a family possessive?

When it comes to showing possession, to make most surnames possessive, simply add an apostrophe and an “s.” Mr. Smith’s car was repossessed. For showing family possession with surnames that are plural and possessive, make the name plural first by adding an “s” and then add an apostrophe to make them possessive.

What is the possessive of family?

Here’s the summary for the word “family”: Plural (non-possessive): families. Possessive Singular: family’s. Possessive Plural: families’

What’s the difference between family and families?

Family is the singular form whereas ‘families’ is the plural form. This is the main difference between the two words. The word ‘family’ denotes a group of persons that belong to the same household. On the other hand the word ‘families’ denotes groups of persons of two or more households.

What is the possessive form of mother?

Mom’s is a possessive noun.

What is the difference between Mom and Mom?

Mom is a noun. It is a shortened form of mother, which means a female parent or matriarch. Mom is very common in spoken American English, but in most written contexts, mother is more likely to appear.

What’s the difference between Mother’s and mothers?

Mothers is the plural form of mother, so it means more than one mother. Mother’s is the possessive form of mother, so it means something belongs to mother. Mothers means two or more mothers. I inherited my mother’s necklace.

Is it mom’s and dad’s or mom and dad’s?

There’s really no good answer here. In this case, you wouldn’t use more than one possessive-adjective apostrophe BEFORE the noun. If a noun is jointly owned, use the apostrophe only with the last owner. That’s why we say, for example, “Mom and Dad’s house,” not “Mom’s and Dad’s house.”

Why do we say mum and dad?

The words can be traced back to the 1500s for “dad” and the 1800s for “mom”. This, in turn, can be traced back to Latin where “mamma” meant “breast” or “teat”. From this word, we also got the word “mammalia” and later “mammal” to describe animals that suckle their young.

Are children possessive?

Children is an irregular plural, not a regular one. Therefore, the suffix is ‘s , and the possessive form is children’s.

Is there an apostrophe in moms?

If you are using “mom” In the possessive, then you use an apostrophe before the ‘s’. E.g “That is my mom’s car.” If you mean multiple “moms” in the possessive, then you use an apostrophe after the ‘s’. If you’re referring to the plural form of “mom”, then it should be just “moms”.

What are the 5 examples of apostrophe?

Apostrophe Examples

  • Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. (
  • O holy night!
  • Then come, sweet death, and rid me of this grief. (
  • O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth. (
  • Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean – roll! (
  • Welcome, O life!

Where to put the apostrophe if it belongs to someone?

If something belongs to someone or something, then the apostrophe is called for. If a kid has some books, then the kid’s books will clearly express that. Use an apostrophe + s to show possession for singular nouns.

Is Mom’s correct?

Both spellings are correct and derive from mommy and mummy. According to Ngram, Mom/mom is the more common spelling in AmE, while Mum/mum is more common in BrE: Mom : 1867, American English, perhaps a shortening of mommy; also see mamma.

Why do the British say mum?

In British English, it is mostly used as a sign of repect for a woman of superior rank, say, in the military or police. In American English the vowel is never reduced and may be used as a polite form of addressing any woman, especially one unknown to the speaker: Excuse me, ma’am, you’ve dropped your keys.

What do British call their parents?

British people call their mothers and fathers Mum (Mummy) and Dad (Daddy).

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