What types of dolphins live in the Great Barrier Reef?

What types of dolphins live in the Great Barrier Reef?

Other whale and dolphin species reported from the Great Barrier Reef include Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, Australian snubfin dolphins, spinner dolphins, pan-tropical spotted dolphins, false killer whales, killer whales, short-finned pilot whales, sperm whales and various beaked whales.

What is a predator of a dolphin?

Dolphins have few natural enemies and some species or specific populations have none. The only predators that the smaller species or calves have in the ocean are the larger species of sharks, such as the bull shark, dusky shark, tiger shark and great white shark.

How do dolphins get pregnant?

Q: In the wild, how do dolphins copulate? A: It’s very variable. Some species, like dusky dolphins, copulate belly to belly. Bottle nose dolphins seem to make a T-formation, where the male crosses the female exactly at her midline.

Do dolphins get their period?

In species that experience estrus, females are generally only receptive to copulation while they are in heat (dolphins are an exception). In the estrous cycles of most placental mammals, if no fertilization takes place, the uterus reabsorbs the endometrium.

Do dolphins have balls?

On mammals, testicles are usually found outside the body since sperm dies at body temperature. Dolphins compensate for the extra heat that their testicles must endure by utilizing a special feature of their circulatory system.

How many babies can a dolphin have in a lifetime?

Dolphins virtually never have twins; they give birth to one baby at a time every 1 to 6 years depending on the species and individuals. The average time between babies for bottlenose dolphin mothers is 2 to 3 years.

Do dolphins bite humans?

Dolphins at swim-with attractions have been known to seriously hurt humans by butting them. Even contact with dolphins outside of the water can result in bite injuries, as the many incidents of children being bitten during feeding interactions demonstrate.

What’s the IQ of a dolphin?

The La Plata dolphin has an EQ of approximately 1.67; the Ganges river dolphin of 1.55; the orca of 2.57; the bottlenose dolphin of 4.14; and the tucuxi dolphin of 4.56; In comparison to other animals, elephants have an EQ ranging from 1.13 to 2.36; chimpanzees of approximately 2.49; dogs of 1.17; cats of 1.00; and …

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