What vegetables are high in purine?
Vegetables that have high purine content include cauliflower, spinach, and mushrooms….High purine foods to avoid include:
- bacon.
- liver.
- sardines and anchovies.
- dried peas and beans.
- oatmeal.
What seafood is low in purines?
Some fish, including salmon, sole, tuna, catfish, red snapper, tilapia, flounder, and whitefish are lower in purine than other types of fish, and can be included in your diet in moderation (two to three times per week) if you are not consuming other purine-rich foods.
Is spinach bad for gout?
Studies have shown that vegetables high in purines, such as asparagus and spinach, don’t increase the risk of gout or recurring gout attacks.
Do tomatoes have purines?
Tomatoes, however, have a very low purine-content [50]. Instead tomatoes contain high levels of glutamate, an amino acid which is often found in foods with a high purine-content and is able to stimulate or amplify the synthesis of urate by acting as a nitrogen donor in the purine synthesis pathway [50, 51].
Is cheese high in purine?
The following foods contain low levels of purines and can be eaten freely. dairy, such as milk, yogurts and cheese • dairy-free alternatives, such as soya products • eggs • fruits and vegetables • bread and cereals • pasta, rice and noodles. Poultry, red meat and fish can be eaten in moderation.
Are potatoes high in purines?
Plenty of starchy carbohydrates. These may include rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, couscous, quinoa, barley or oats, and should be included at each meal time. These foods contain only small amounts of purines, so these along with fruit and vegetables should make up the basis of your meals.
Does tomato reduce uric acid?
Tomatoes, which are also counted as a fruit rather than a vegetable, are good for your body and their high vitamin C content can help in reducing the uric acid levels.