What verb tense is will have?

What verb tense is will have?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Will is past tense?

Will verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
will willing willed or rarely would

What is past tense of talks?

past tense of talk is talked.

Would you or will you marry me?

‘Will you marry me’ is a direct question, and when you ask it, you are literally asking someone if they would commit themselves to you at that moment, and it requires an answer. ‘Would you marry me’ is a vague question that asks of possiblities.

Will and would sentences?

We use would as the past of will, to describe past beliefs about the future: I thought we would be late, so we would have to take the train.

What is the difference between can and could?

The modal verbs can and could represent the ability of a person or thing in doing something. However, there is a difference in their usage, as ‘can’ is used in present situation, whereas we can use ‘could’ for talking about a past ability. Both are followed by a base form of the verb.

Will be or can be?

Will vs Can The auxiliary verb ‘will’ is used primarily in the future tense. On the other hand, the verb ‘can’ is used in the sense of ‘ability’. In other words, the verb ‘can’ indicates ‘ability’, but it does not indicate future tense as ‘will’ does. This is the main difference between the two words.

What is the meaning of can or will?

“Can” implies that anything you say may be used against you in court, but “will” asserts that it is a certainty. The person being arrested could obviously say any number of things that would not be of any use in a case against them, so it’s not true to say that anything they say will be used, only that it can be.

Can able grammar?

Be able to is possible in all tenses – but “can” is possible only in the present and “could” is possible only in the past for ability. In addition, “can” and “could” have no infinitive form. So we use be able to when we want to use other tenses or the infinitive.

Is i can able correct?

Coming to the question, the word ‘can’ in itself speaks of our ability to do something. Adding ‘able to’ to the sentence is redundant and grammatically wrong purely because, it adds no meaning to the existing sentence. For example, if you say, “I can open the door” it means that you have the ability to open the door.

Can able or able?

Can, could, and be able to are all used to talk about a person’s ability to do something. You use can or be able to to talk about ability in the present. Be able to is more formal than can.

Is I can be able grammatically correct?

‘I can be able to’ is the same as ‘I am able to be able to. ‘ Can is a modal verb conferring ability on the definitive verb that follows it, so it doesn’t add meaning when applied to a verb that means the same thing.

Can be examples?

The modal auxiliary can is not grammatically possible in other tenses, too. Here are some more examples: Present Perfect → I have been able to play football….1. Affirmative sentences.

Tense Modal Form
Simple Present I can play football. I am allowed to play football.

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