
What was a common feature of European imperialism in both Africa and Asia?

What was a common feature of European imperialism in both Africa and Asia?

In both areas, Europeans were mainly aiding the spread od democracy to nations that were led by dictators.

How was European imperialism in Africa similar to imperialism in Asia Apex?

Answer Expert Verified They were somewhat similar in such as way that the European imperialists exploited the countries. In Africa, they had diamonds, gold riches, and slaves. Asia was exploited for rice, textile, and trees like rubber.

How did European imperialism in Africa and Asia differ from one another?

How did European imperialism in Africa and Asia differ from one another? A. Europeans exploited Asia for its raw materials and Africa for its vast labor resources. Europeans established democratically run colonies in Asia, but created military states in Africa.

Which of the following outcomes can be attributed to European imperialism in Africa?

Explanation: African states were forced to focus their economies on acquiring natural resources which was the outcome attributed to European imperialism in Africa after the industrial revolution.

Which of these is an example of European imperialism in Africa?

The answer is: c. european leaders staked out their claims in africa during the berlin conference.

What were the positive and negative effects of British imperialism in India?

British rule in India had both negative and positive effects on India. British rule brought Western technologies that improved medicine, transportation, warfare, and production of goods. Britain practically destroyed India’s economy because they forced them to import goods from Britain and not buy goods from India.

What were the positive impact of British on Indian society and culture?

In the social sphere British impact proved to be beneficial. The prohibition of Sati, abolition of child-marriage, introduction of widow remarriage, checking of infanticide, polygamy, untouchabihty etc. eradicated age old social evils from the Indian society.

What was the impact of British imperialism in India?

The most common of these agricultural resources included: jute, cotton, sugar, tea, coffee and wheat. Second, India proved to be an important market for the goods that were developed in British factories. As a result, the British benefitted from selling goods to the people of India.

What were the positive impact of British rule in India?

Some of the positive contributions made by British are (i) Introduction of Railways The introduction of railways by the British was a breakthrough in the development process of Indian Economy. It opened up the cultural and geographical barriers and facilitated commercialization of Indian agriculture.

How did the British oppress India?

Whenever the British felt threatened by Indian nationalism and saw it growing, they divided the Indian people along religious lines. After oppressing India for 200 years, draining its wealth and filling their own coffers, the U.K. ripped the Indian subcontinent into pieces just before they finally left.

What are the merits and demerits of British rule in India?


  • Allowing remarriage of Hindu widows.
  • Destruction of Dacoits, Thugs, Pindarees, and other such pests of Indian society.
  • Charitable aid in time of famine.

Who is known as Grand Old Man of India?

Dadabhai Naoroji

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