What was created to investigate federal employees?

What was created to investigate federal employees?

In response to public fears and Congressional investigations into communism in the United States, President Harry S. Truman issues an executive decree establishing a sweeping loyalty investigation of federal employees. Loyalty boards were to be set up in every department and agency of the federal government.

What were some of the reasons for dismissal for some government employees during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations?

These included:

  • sabotage, espionage, spying or the advocacy thereof.
  • treason, sedition or the advocacy thereof.
  • intentional, unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.
  • advocacy of the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.

Why is there conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors?

1948–49: Israel’s War of Independence and the Palestinian Nakbah. In November 1947 the United Nations (UN) voted to partition the British mandate of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state (see United Nations Resolution 181). Clashes broke out almost immediately between Jews and Arabs in Palestine.

What are the three main causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

To summarise, having analysed Zionism, Arab nationalism and British foreign policy as three key causes of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, as well as three major consequences of the war, this essay can conclude that the 1948 Arab-Israeli war was a highly complex conflict with its origins going as far back as biblical times.

Why Israel has so many wars?

The Government of Israel ordered the invasion as a response to the assassination attempt against Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov, by the Abu Nidal Organization and due to the constant terror attacks on northern Israel made by the Palestinian guerrilla organizations which resided in Lebanon.

What were the causes of conflict in the Middle East between 1948 and 1973?

Even though many of the Arabic Middle Eastern countries had been defeated by Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948, smaller conflicts between Israel and various Arab nations continued through the 1950s and 1960s. However, the main reason behind the Suez Crisis was the Arab support for Palestinian attacks on Israel.

What are the causes of conflict in the Middle East quizlet?

What was the fundamental cause of all conflicts in the Middle East? Nationalism that was driven by the mutual hatred of Arabs and Jews. Arabs refused to recognize Israel. There was religious intolerance between both groups.

What started the conflict in the Middle East?

The first proxy war started with the Iran/Iraq war (1980-1988) and Saudi Arabia started to reinforce Iraq to help build them up. In 2003 Iraq became the home of another proxy war between the two when the United States invaded Iraq and overthrew Saddam Hussein.

What is one reason that peace between Israel and Palestinians has been so difficult to achieve?

Mutual distrust: Because of the history of aggressions both parts distrust each other, which has made peace talks very unproductive. Besides, there are still big differences: Palestine’s want full citizenship and a “right to return” law so all refugee can come back. Israel opposes that.

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