What was happening in 1757?

What was happening in 1757?

The British victory at Plassey in Bengal, on 23 June, 1757, was a crucial event in the history of India. Though it was more of a skirmish than a battle, the British victory under Robert Clive at Plassey in Bengal was a crucial event in the history of India.

Who did the British defeat in the Battle of Plassey?

Nawab of Bengal

How was the battle of Plassey fought?

The Battle of Plassey was fought in north-eastern India on 23 June 1757. Troops of the British East India Company, led by Robert Clive, came up against the forces of Siraj-ud-Daulah, the last Nawab of Bengal, and his French allies.

Why did the Battle of Plassey happen?

The Battle of Plassey took place when Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-Daulah did not like the uncontrolled use of privileges by the East India Company’s officials. Also, the workers of the company stopped paying the taxes that became one of the reasons for the Battle of Plassey.

Who won Battle of Buxar?

British East India Company

What were the causes and results of Battle of Plassey?

Over- interference of the Company became the main cause of the Battle of Plassey. When Company in Calcutta got this news, they sent an army under Robert Clive and defeated the Nawab at Plassey. This defeat was possible because Mir Jafar, the commander of Siraj-ud-daulah cheated on him and supported the British.

Who was traitor in Battle of Plassey?

Mir Jafar

Why is battle of Plassey famous in Indian history?

In 1757, Robert Clive led the Company’s army against Sirajuddaulah at Plassey. The main reason for the defeat of the Nawab was that the forces led by Mir Jafar, one of his commanders, never fought the battle. The Battle of Plassey became famous because it was the first major victory the Company won in India.

What are the outcomes of Plassey war?

It was a victory for Clive, who lost around twenty men while Siraj ud-Daulah lost closer to five hundred. The outcome of this skirmish put Mir Jafar into place as the Nawab of Bengal and helped Britain gain a foothold in what would eventually become widespread dominion over India.

Where is Plassey now?

Palashi, also called Plassey, historic village, east-central West Bengal state, northeastern India. It lies just east of the Bhagirathi River, about 80 miles (130 km) north of Kolkata (Calcutta).

How did Plassey get its name?

The battle of Plassey took place at a location called Palashi. It was called Palashi because of the abundance of Palash trees. The anglicized version came to be known as Plassey.

What is the battle of Plassey in simple words?

The Battle of Plassey was a major battle that took place on 23 June 1757 at Palashi, Bengal. It was an important British East India Company victory over the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies. The battle was between Siraj ud-Daulah, the last independent Nawab of Bengal, and the British East India Company.

What was Battle of Plassey 4 marks?

The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over a much larger force of the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies on 23 June 1757, under the leadership of Robert Clive. The battle helped the Company seize control of Bengal.

Who was Mir Jafar Class 8?

Hint: Syed Mir Jafar Ali Khan Bahadur was a military general. He became the first dependent Nawab of Bengal in the British East India Company. Complete answer: Robert Clive a British officer bribed Mir Jafar who was the commander in chief of the Nawab’s army.

What benefit did English get through the battle of Plassey?

The Battle of Plassey greatly benefited the British. Through their victory in this battle, the British East India Company was able to instal a puppet ruler in Bengal. The Company could now trade unhindered from Bengal.

Why is Mir Jafar betrayed?

Jafar initially showed loyalty to Alivardi Khan’s successor Siraj Ud Daulah, but betrayed him to the British in the battle of Plassey. However, the British defeated the Dutch at the Battle of Chinsurah in November 1759 and retaliated by forcing him to abdicate in favor of his son-in-law Mir Qasim.

Which factors helped the British conquer Bengal?

Dual system of administration of Bengal held a great advantage for the British: they had power without the responsibility. British controlled the finances of Bengal and its army directly and its administration indirectly.

Why was Bengal important for British Upsc?

Importance for the British: Bengal became the first kingdom to be occupied by the British in India. The East India Company carried on profitable trade with this province. The enormous resources of Bengal came in handy for financing the British expansion.

What were the reasons of conflict between the Nawab of Bengal and British?

1) The conflict between the Bengal Nawabs and the East India Company started when the Nawabs refused to grant the Company concessions and demanded large tributes for the Company’s right to trade. 2) The Nawabs also denied the Company any right to mint coins, and stopped it from extending its fortifications.

Why did the British East India Company take over India?

The East India Company was an English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India. Incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600, it was started as a monopolistic trading body so that England could participate in the East Indian spice trade.

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