What was Kabai give a brief description?

What was Kabai give a brief description?

The baker or bread-seller of those days had a peculiar dress known as the kabai. It was a single-piece long frock reaching down to the knees. In our childhood, we saw bakers wearing a shirt and trousers which were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants.

Which is called Kabai?

Answer: (i) In the Portuguese days, the bakers had a peculiar dress known as the kabai. It was a single-piece long frock reaching down to the knees. (ii) When the author was young, he saw the bakers wearing a shirt and trousers, which were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants.

What is a Kabai *?

Answer: baker or bread seller’s dress of Goa is known as kabai. Explanation: It’s a single-piece long frock reaching down to the knees. later it was replaced by a shirt & trousers which were longer than the shorts & shorter than the full length.

How many times a day does a baker come?

The baker used to come at least twice a day. He used to come when he was on his selling round and again when he returned after selling all the items. The children ran to meet him because they longed for bread bangles which were made specially.

What was the attitude of the Baker towards the lady of the house?

Explanation: The bakers would greet the lady of houses with ‘good morning ‘ . They would give the loves of bread only houses of the maid and servant.

Why is baking called a profitable profession?

Baking was really a profitable profession as the bread was an important part of the food of the Goan people. In this profession, the people never starved. The bakers earned well and kept servants. Their plump physique was a proof that they lived a happy and prosperous life.

How do you know that baking was a profitable profession?

Answer: The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. The baking was a profitable profession as the baker and his family never starved. He , his family and his servants always looked happy and prosperous .

Is bread-making still popular in Goa How do you know?

1 Answer. Yes, bread-making is still popular in Goa. The author can say so as one can still find mixers, the moulders, the bakers and the old age furnaces. The main festivals and occasions are also still not celebrated without loaves, bol or bread-bangles.

What can you say about the financial status of the Baker’s family?

Answer: (a) We can say that bread-making was a profitable business because bread is a permanent item of a Goan meal. Hence, the baker and his family never starved. (b) The financial status of the baker and his family was good because they always looked happy and prosperous.

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