What was Pericles leadership style?

What was Pericles leadership style?

The name Pericles in Greek means ‘Surrounded by Glory’, which became fitting for the leader he was to become and what he achieved during his lifetime. Pericles could be summarised as the following, innovative, bold, tough, intuitive, a risk taker and stoic.

In what ways does Pericles find Athens unique?

In fact, Pericles sees Athens as having the ultimate possible government; the one best conducive to freedom, liberty, courage, honor, and justice – the values most honored by the Athenians. Pericles extolls several of the virtues of Athens, most of them centered on the then-unique form of democracy.

How does Pericles depict Athenian democracy?

How does Pericles describe Athenian democracy? Athenians cultivate refinement without extravagance and knowledge without effeminacy. They employ for use and not for show and also try to decrease the struggle of poverty.

How did Pericles impact democracy?

Pericles was an Athenian statesman who played a large role in developing democracy in Athens and helped make it the political and cultural center of ancient Greece. This expanded citizen participation in politics. Pericles also served as commander-in-chief of the Athenian army during the First Peloponnesian War.

Is Herodotus an objective?

Herodotus is most well known for his historical accounts. Herodotus maintains a very unique objective perspective during his retelling. In the first six books, he recounts the growth of the Persian Empire, including the fall of the Lydian king Croesus at the hands of Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire.

What are Herodotus achievements?

Herodotus (5th century bc), Greek historian. Known as ‘the Father of History’. He was the first historian to collect his materials systematically, test their accuracy to a certain extent, and arrange them in a well-constructed and vivid narrative.

What is Herodotus known?

Herodotus has been called the “father of history.” An engaging narrator with a deep interest in the customs of the people he described, he remains the leading source of original historical information not only for Greece between 550 and 479 BCE but also for much of western Asia and Egypt at that time.

What is the discipline of Herodotus?

Herodotus is the “Father of History” and—according to some—also the “Father of Lies.” As a discipline, history begins with Herodotus’ Histories, the first known systematic investigation of the past.

Is Herodotus a bias?

Herodotus, long the only utilized source on history, has not been subjected to as much scrutiny as a historian should. His works are notably biased and undeniable incorrect in many instances. Much of Herodotus’ early work followed Egypt, Babylon, and the rise of Persia among his histories of Greece.

Why would someone like Herodotus exaggerate the number of Persian troops?

Herodotus had a specific reason as an historian to put the main emphasis on the size of the Persian forces: as in the Scythian campaign it was the geographical distances that proved to be the decisive factor, so in the Greek campaign it was the numerical strength of the Persian army and navy that influenced most the …

What did Herodotus think of Persians?

The customs which I know the Persians to observe are the following: they have no images of the gods, no temples nor altars, and consider the use of them a sign of folly. This comes, I think, from their not believing the gods to have the same nature with men, as the Greeks imagine.

How did Herodotus define historia?

Sometime around the year 425 B.C., Herodotus published his magnum opus: a long account of the Greco-Persian Wars that he called “The Histories.” (The Greek word “historie” means “inquiry.”) Before Herodotus, no writer had ever made such a systematic, thorough study of the past or tried to explain the cause-and-effect …

How did the Greeks consider themselves different from the Persians?

Greece was made up of independent city-states who had different types of government. Sparta was ruled by an oligarchy whereas Athens was a democracy. Persians had the king, aristocrats, and free citizens. The Spartan social structure was made up of slaves, warriors, generals, and the two kings.

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