What was Steve Jobs commencement speech about?
The goal of Steve Jobs’ speech is to persuade the graduates to find the jobs that they can truly love because of their passion for the definite activities. The first reference to the ethos is observed in the introductory part when Jobs states, “I never graduated from college.
What is the farewell message given by Steve Jobs?
In 2005, during his famous commencement speech at Stanford University, Steve Jobs quoted the farewell message placed on the back cover of the 1974 edition of the Whole Earth Catalog: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
Why Steve Jobs commencement speech still inspires 10 years later?
The speech had a theme that resonates with just about everyone who seeks meaning in their lives and their career: Do what you love. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
What does mean Stay Hungry Stay Foolish?
Stay Hungry. Never be satisfied, and always push yourself. Stay Foolish. Do (or be willing to keep trying) the things people say cannot be done.
Is Stay Hungry Stay Foolish a metaphor?
Hunger is the metaphor symbolizing the motivation, the need behind the cause. It’s the unfulfilled desire that is waiting to be fulfilled. If you aren’t hungry enough, you will never find the motivation to do anything in life.
Who said stay humble stay hungry?
Bill McDermott
Is foolish an insult?
Note: Calling someone a fool is similar to calling the person an idiot; it is an insult and would be considered offensive, so be careful about applying this label to people. We also have the adjective foolish to describe things that lack good sense or good judgment.
How do you describe a foolish person?
1 imprudent, unreasonable, foolhardy, irrational; thoughtless, nonsensical, ridiculous, absurd, pointless, preposterous. 1, 2 senseless, vacant, vapid, simple, witless.
What does the Bible say about fools speaking?
Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes. Like cutting off one’s feet or drinking violence is the sending of a message by the hand of a fool.
What does God say about a foolish man?
Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips. The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception. Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright.
Is the phrase spare the rod spoil the child in the Bible?
The phrase, “spare the rod and spoil the child” is not a Christian phrase and is not in the Bible. That phrase actually comes from a narrative poem written in the 1600s titled “Hudibras” by Samuel Butler.
What does spare the rod and spoil the child mean in the Bible?
old-fashioned saying. said to mean that if you do not punish a child when they do something wrong, they will not learn what is right..
What was the rod used for in biblical times?
In the culture of the Israelites, the rod (Hebrew: מַטֶּה maṭṭeh) was a natural symbol of authority, as the tool used by the shepherd to correct and guide his flock (Psalm 23:4).
What does the Bible say about Psalm 23?
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
What is the rod and staff of God?
God asks what Moses has in his hand, and Moses answers “a staff” (“a rod” in the KJV version). The staff is miraculously transformed into a snake and then back into a staff. The staff is thereafter referred to as the “rod of God” or “staff of God” (depending on the translation).