
What was the impact of green revolution in India?

What was the impact of green revolution in India?

The Green Revolution resulted in a record grain output of 131 million tonnes in 1978/79. This established India as one of the world’s biggest agricultural producers. Yield per unit of farmland improved by more than 30% between1947 (when India gained political independence) and 1979.

What are the negative impacts of green revolution?

Loss of soil fertility, erosion of soil, soil toxicity, diminishing water resources, pollution of underground water, salinity of underground water, increased incidence of human and livestock diseases and global warming are some of the negative impacts of over adoption of agricultural technologies by the farmers to make …

What are the negative impact of Green Revolution Class 9?

1. Resulted in land degradation because of more use of fertilizers and pesticides. 2. Harmed the health of the farmers an dpeople in a bad way due to chemicals used in agriculture.

What is advantage and disadvantage of green revolution?

The usage of a high quantity of pesticides and insecticides incorporated toxicity in the plants. In order to protect crops from different types of disease caused by pest as well as the damages caused by insects, the farmers used pesticides and insecticides at a high amount.

What is Green Revolution merits and demerits?

Green Revolution introduces a number of modern farming methods in India. (i) Higher yield due to the use of HYV seeds. (ii) Machines like harvesters, tractors and threshers have made ploughing and harvesting faster and easier. (iii) Higher yield enabled farmers to sell the surplus food in the market and earn more.

Why is the Green Revolution bad?

“The Green Revolution Was Bad for the Environment.” The Green Revolution did, however, bring environmental problems. Fertilizers and pesticides were often used excessively or inappropriately, polluting waterways and killing beneficial insects and other wildlife.

What are the two merits of green revolution?

Merits of green revolution :

  • Higher Yield.
  • Machines made for ploughing harvesting easy.
  • Surplus food can be sold to earn more.
  • Pests and insects controlled by pesticides and insecticides.
  • Good irrigation enhances production.

What are the impact of green revolution in agriculture?

Green revolution: Expansion of area and rapid growth in productivity of wheat and rice, made possible by widespread adoption of improved varieties, expansion of agricultural research, demonstration and education, and investment in irrigation, supported by establishment of a national infrastructure to produce and supply …

What are the limitations of green revolution?

The limitations include :

  • It developed poisonous weeds and pests.
  • It polluted the environment and water bodies.
  • It lowered the prices of crops and thus poor farmers became poorer.
  • It employs Mono-Culturing.
  • Limited crops was another limitation of Green revolution.
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