What was the impact of Western education?

What was the impact of Western education?

Educated Indians read about the American and the French revolution and filled the hearts of the Indians with the ideas of liberty, equality and justice. Ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau inspired the people to strive for political and social freedom.

What is the impact of Western education in Nigeria?

The outstanding positive effects of western education in Nigeria include: Independence. Quality education helped Nigerians obtain independence from their colonial masters.

How did Western imperialism affect Africa?

Colonialism had a huge impact on the lives of Africans. Economic policies were adopted by Europeans who destroyed the colonies, rather than help them. Africa was damaged economically, politically, and culturally. Africa’s traditional lifestyles and culture were destroyed.

What is Western education?

1. A replacement to primitive African style of learning which emphasises formal method of classroom education for all and sundry and is based on communication in writing, reading and numeric.

What are disadvantages of Western education?

Here are some of itse less attractive features: Western education teaches skills rather than knowledge, know-how rather than wisdom, the “immediate” rather than the lasting. It does not emphasize tolerance, humanity, dispassionate debate over conflicting views.

What are the main features of future education system?

Welcome To The Future Of Education: 9 Things That Will Change

  • Diverse time and place. Students will have more opportunities to learn at different times in different places.
  • Personalized learning.
  • Free choice.
  • Project based.
  • Field experience.
  • Data interpretation.
  • Exams will change completely.
  • Student ownership.

What are the advantages of Western culture?

Values of peace, democracy, and pacifism allow for life to carry on unimpeded from others. Western culture isn’t inherently good, but it does have good parts. From values of freedom, living your own life. Values of equality, no one is supposed to have an advantage over another.

Is Western culture good or bad?

Advantages of western culture It is totally acceptable. Adopting good things from different cultures is fruitful. Western culture has various practices that are good and it can help to make our society more powerful. Due to the influence of western culture, it improves sanitation and public health greatly in India.

What are the Western countries in the world?

Western culture is commonly said to include: Australia and New Zealand, Canada, all European member countries of the EFTA and EU, the European microstates, the NATO military alliance, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Is Africa a Western country?

Parts of Africa can be considered Western, but culturally speaking, they have been influenced more by Islam (North Africa) and native cultures, leaving South Africa as the only “western” nation in that continent.

What is the meaning of Western philosophy?

Western philosophy refers to the philosophical thought and work of the Western world. Historically, the term refers to the philosophical thinking of Western culture, beginning with the ancient Greek philosophy of the pre-Socratics.

What is the goal of Western philosophy?

Mo-Ti, some claim, aims at a holistic understanding of one’s self and one’s surroundings while a western philosopher like Plato emphasizes specific goals one should strive for in discovering what is true and real in life.

Who are the famous Western philosophers?

These five thinkers transformed Western philosophy and shaped its development from the 17th through the 20th century and beyond.

  • René Descartes.
  • Immanuel Kant.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein.
  • Martin Heidegger.

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