What was the Iroquois food source?

What was the Iroquois food source?

The Iroquois mainly cultivated fields of corn, squash, and beans. To the Iroquois people squash, corn and beans were “The three sisters” the physical and spiritual sustainers of life. The Iroquois were very grateful for their harvests as a result they held six festivals each year to say prayers of thanks to their gods.

What foods did the Mohawks grow and hunt?

The food that the Mohawk tribe ate included the ‘three sisters’ crops of corn, beans and squash. These crops were collectively known as ‘deohako’ meaning “life supporters”. Fish such as salmon were an important part of their food supply.

What was the Mohawks religion?

Religion. Traditional Mohawk religion is mostly Animist. “Much of the religion is based on a primordial conflict between good and evil.” Many Mohawk continue to follow the Longhouse Religion.

What do the Algonquins eat?

Mostly they hunted deer but they also hunted turkeys, bear, moose, and ducks. Sometimes they would also eat pigeons and crows. They hunted with bows that were made from oak, hickory or maple branches.

What plants did the Algonquins have?

The Algonquians made and grew what you will find here. These are the plants that the Algonquians grew: corn, beans, squash potatoes and peppers. And they made maple syrup out of tree sap. The Algonquians found berries, wild rice, and nuts growing on trees, bushes and on the ground.

What did the Lenape call themselves?

Of course, when speaking to each other, Lenape people call themselves “Lenape.”

Where did the Lenape come from?

Our Lenape ancestors were those who inhabited New Jersey, Delaware, southern New York and eastern Pennsylvania at the time the Europeans came.

What Indian tribes lived in NJ?

The Lenape tribe, also known as Lenni-Lanape, were the inhabitants of much of what is now the tri-state area—New Jersey, Delaware, southern New York, and eastern Pennsylvania—when Europeans arrived.

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