What was the point of chain letters?

What was the point of chain letters?

Defined broadly as messages designed to be passed on for alternatively self-serving, altruistic or nefarious purposes, chain letters have taken an array of forms over the centuries.

What should you do with chain letter emails?

What Should You Do If You Get A Chain Letter? The CIAC recommends you either delete the letter or send it on to one person. That one person is your local security officer or system administrator, thereby allowing them to investigate and warn their users not to pass on the letter.

How do you politely decline a chain letter?

Just tell your friend point blank that you do not want to participate in the chain letter and to please not send you that one or any other chain letters. If they do send you one, you are not obligated to carry it forward.

What does the Bible say about chain letters?

“But Peter and the other apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than human beings’ ” (Acts 5:29 NIV)! 7. Chain letters are rooted in sin, and they shackle the participants in lies. A chain post is an empty promise filled with false hope that something good will happen, if the “good luck rose” is shared.

Is it okay to email a chain letter?

A chain letter may qualify as a fraudulent activity, as in the case of a pyramid scheme, which asks recipients to funnel money up the chain while requesting the letter be distributed to multiple new recipients. If pyramid scheme chain letters are sent through email, it may constitute wire fraud.

Why is it called chain mail?

Chain mail is the protective material that knights wear as part of a suit of armor. Sometimes chain mail is just called mail, from the Old French maille, “mesh.”

What is chain mail in texting?

Chain mail, a chain letter, or a chain e-mail is an unsolicited e-mail containing false information for the purpose of scaring, intimidating, or deceiving the recipient. Its purpose is to coerce the recipient to forward the e-mail to other unwilling recipients, thereby propagating the malicious or spurious message.

How do I send a chain email?

Forward a single part of an email chain in Gmail

  1. Open the email chain within Gmail.
  2. Select the specific email you want to forward and open it.
  3. Select the three dot menu icon to the right of the specific email.
  4. Select Forward and complete the To field.
  5. Add your text to the email body as you need and hit Send.

How do I forward an entire email chain?

Forward a Complete Thread or Conversation of Emails in Gmail

  1. Go to your inbox and click on the conversation you want to forward.
  2. Go to the toolbar and select More (three dots).
  3. Choose Forward all.
  4. Gmail displays the contents of the new email, which is entitled Forwarded Conversation.

How do I attach one email to another?

Forward an email as an attachment

  1. On your computer, go to Gmail.
  2. Select the emails that you want.
  3. Click More. Forward as attachment.
  4. In the “To” field, add recipients. You can also add recipients in the “Cc” and “Bcc” fields.
  5. Add a subject.
  6. Write your message.
  7. At the bottom, click Send.

Does forwarding an email send the whole chain?

When you forward an email message, you send not only a copy of the original message, but also other messages in the conversation. The “From”, “To” and “Subject” lines plus much wasted screen space also appear in the body of text.

When you forward an email does the original recipient know?

When you forward an email, does the original sender see it? If your original sender uses traditional email, it’s simple. In this case, if you forward an email, the sender of the original message will never find out that you forwarded the message to another recipient.

How do I clean up my email before forwarding?

Click on ‘Forward’ button a new Write window opens with the forwarding email displayed as part of the content. enter the email address you want to forward to. Highlight the section in the content which you want to remove – the email addresses. Press Delete key.

Can you forward an email without the sender knowing?

No, they will not know unless you also forward it to them.

Is it legal to forward emails?

The routine practice of e-mail forwarding violates principles of common-law copyright regardless of what the Federal Copyright Act says.” Accordingly, because e-mail forwarding deprives the sender of privacy, it violates common-law copyright.

When should you forward instead of replying to an email?

When you want the original sender to know someone was left off the list. D. When you do not want to Reply All.

What should I say when forwarding an email?

When forwarding an email, you can write; “I am forwarding the email……,” or “I have forwarded the email…….,” or “I forwarded the email……” to the recipient.

Is it rude to forward emails?

It is impolite to forward chain letters, virus warnings, or jokes, unless you know that the person specifically likes to receive that sort of thing. Also, in general, it is considered rude to forward a personal message without asking, or at least telling, the person who sent it to you.

What is a good email etiquette?

Appropriate email etiquette involves including the necessary elements of a message, such as a clear subject line, greeting, closing, well-organized body paragraphs and proper language.

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