
What was the purpose of the Intendants?

What was the purpose of the Intendants?

Intendant, administrative official under the ancien régime in France who served as an agent of the king in each of the provinces, or généralités. From about 1640 until 1789, the intendancies were the chief instrument used to achieve administrative unification and centralization under the French monarchy.

Who said I am the state?

Louis XIV

What is the declaration of religious toleration?

An edict of toleration is a declaration, made by a government or ruler, and states that members of a given religion will not be persecuted for engaging in their religious practices and traditions. The edict implies tacit acceptance of the religion rather than its endorsement by the ruling power.

What did Louis choose as an emblem to represent his power?

King by divine right. At the start of his reign, before turning to more political allegories, Louis XIV chose the sun as his personal emblem.

How did Colbert boost the economy?

How did Jean Baptiste Colbert intend to stimulate economic growth in France? Colbert believed in the theory of Mercantilism. To prevent wealth from leaving the country, Colbert tried to make France self-sufficient.

What decision did Henry IV have to make to become king?

Ch. 16. HistorySecQz2

Question Answer
What decision did Henry IV have to make to become king? To become Catholic.
Cardinal Richelieu is known for? Weakening the power of Huguenots and nobles
Louis XVI expanded his power by? Building a strong army.
An important symbol of the Sun King’s wealth was? The palace of Versailles.

Why did Louis XIV choose the sun as his symbol?

Louis XIV chose the sun as his emblem. The sun was associated with Apollo, god of peace and arts, and was also the heavenly body which gave life to all things, regulating everything as it rose and set. Like Apollo, the warrior-king Louis XIV brought peace, was a patron of the arts, and dispensed his bounty.

What is meant by L etat c’est moi?

L’état, c’est moi means “I myself am the nation.” The French words literally mean “the state, it’s me” and are usually rendered “the state, it is I” in English.

What does the Sun King mean?

Sun King. A nickname for Louis xiv that captures the magnificence of his court and of the Palace of Versailles, which he built. Louis himself adopted the sun as his emblem.

Where is Louis the 14th buried?


Does Versailles have bathrooms?

The legendary Palace of Versailles began as a hunting lodge in 1624. After more than a century and a half of building, which included some of the most impressive construction campaigns in the world’s history, toilets were added in the 18th Century. That’s not toilets for the masses, servants or even guests.

How is Versailles used today?


Can you stay at Versailles Palace?

You can soon book a hotel stay fit for royalty at the Château de Versailles. Live out your Marie Antoinette dreams with an overnight stay at a collection of luxury rooms and suites that are slated to open in the ornate 17th-century palace this spring.

How does Louis the 14th die?

On September 1, 1715, four days before his 77th birthday, Louis XIV died of gangrene at Versailles. His reign had lasted 72 years, longer than that of any other known European monarch, and left an indelible mark on the culture, history and destiny of France.

Who became king after Louis 14?

Louis XV

Which French King died of the white plague?

Louis XIII

What was white plague?

Tuberculosis (TB) was called “phthisis” in ancient Greece, “tabes” in ancient Rome, and “schachepheth” in ancient Hebrew. In the 1700s, TB was called “the white plague” due to the paleness of the patients. TB was commonly called “consumption” in the 1800s even after Schonlein named it tuberculosis.

Who was king of France 1630?

King Louis XIII

Who was the real man in the iron mask?


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