What went wrong with the Hobbit?

What went wrong with the Hobbit?

One of the main problems in adapting The Hobbit is that Smaug the dragon doesn’t fit the mold of a modern villain, being little more than a hoarder with a bad temper. To solve the problem, Jackson’s Smaug was more vicious than his book counterpart, and this alteration worked well enough for film.

Why does the Hobbit look so bad?

Assuming you’re referring to the movie it’s because much more CGI was used on the Hobbit than was used on the Lord of the Rings. The software (and hardware) used for the CGI of the Lord of the Rings was limited in how accurate they could make people look on close distances.

Was the hobbit a flop?

Just the three Hobbit films earned $2.9 billion worldwide, a consistency that would put pretty much any other franchise to shame. I know the mega-blockbuster has almost become all-too-common over the last half-decade, but these numbers are still higher than most of their ilk and we didn’t seem to notice or care.

Why does Legolas look weird in the Hobbit?

No. Due to technical mishaps involving Bloom’s contact lenses, in the films Legolas’ eye colour sometimes changes between brown, purple, and blue. (In the director’s commentary of the Extended Edition, Peter Jackson admitted that they forgot to put Bloom’s contacts in several times.)

Should I watch LOTR or hobbit first?

For the films, watch Lord of the Rings first, then watching The Hobbit is optional because it’s almost completely unlike the books or the prior three films in tone or content.

How old do hobbits live?

100 years

How tall is Gandalf?

5′ 6”

Why is Gandalf so tall?

In universe, Gandalf could appear as tall or short as he needed to to accomplish his mission. This stems from his innate abilities as a Maiar, the servant class of the angelic Ainur that formed the world. In his unrestricted Maiar form as Olorin, he could take any shape he pleased.

How tall is Olaf in frozen?

3′ 4″

Is Elsa 11 feet tall?

Five feet, four inches “tall” is hardly tall at all by most standards. Not only would that be tall for a snowman, but it would ultimately mean that Anna and Elsa are closer to 11 feet tall.

How tall is Sven frozen?

3 feet tall

Is Olaf a boy or a girl?

Olaf is recreated by Elsa as she accidentally plunges Arendelle into a magical winter….Olaf (Frozen)

Species Snowman
Gender Male

Are Rapunzel and Elsa sisters?

Three years later, Elsa was 21 and she was ready to accept the throne in their kingdom. In short, Elsa and Rapunzel are twins. Though it is still unbelievable to link the two as sisters, even more as twins, there is a biological explanation why this is a possibility.

Was Elsa adopted?

There’s no indication in the movie that Elsa was adopted. If you go by the continuity in Once Upon a Time (which is generally different than the Disney movies), Elsa’s biological aunt (her mother’s sister) is the original Snow Queen from the story, so Elsa inherited her powers.

Is Rapunzel Elsa’s mom?

Frozen’s Elsa and Anna are Rapunzel’s cousins Continuing the family theme, Rapunzel and Eugene are very clearly seen arriving at Elsa’s coronation in Frozen. There are also a few family similarities – both Rapunzel and Elsa are blonde and both have powers that look pretty but are kind of weird.

Did Elsa’s parents lock her up?

Elsa was a child when she first hurt her sister, and her parents response was to lock her away from everything and tell her not to use her powers. They made her powers into the bogeyman – into the monster under the bed that would kill her if she let it.

What is Elsa’s boyfriend name?

Kristoff. When Kristoff suddenly arrived to help Anna, Elsa was surprised, but her insistence on Anna’s departure only grew more urgent. Elsa first met Kristoff when Anna managed to track her down to the North Mountain and attempted to convince her to return to Arendelle.

Who is Elsa’s brother?


Does Elsa have a brother?

“Frozen” Director: Tarzan Is Anna and Elsa’s Little Brother – Dailybreak.

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