
What were some of the responsibilities of Greek citizens?

What were some of the responsibilities of Greek citizens?

Only citizens vote, own property, hold public office,and speak for themselves in court. What rights and duties did Greek citizens have? They had more freedom as women in Spartan. Free to mix with men, play sports, and encourage their man in battle.

What were the rights of citizens in ancient Greece?

Although ancient Greek Society was dominated by the male citizen, with his full legal status, right to vote, hold public office, and own property, the social groups which made up the population of a typical Greek city-state or polis were remarkably diverse.

Who were citizens in ancient Greece?

The Athenian definition of “citizens” was also different from modern-day citizens: only free men were considered citizens in Athens. Women, children, and slaves were not considered citizens and therefore could not vote.

What duties did Athenian citizens have?

Chapter 4: The Ancient Greeks (Section 4 Flashcards)

Why did many Athenians hate the Parthenon? the cost of building it
2 men responsible for the spreading of Greek culture (Hellenism) Philip the II and Alexander the Great
According to Pericles, what duties did Athenian citizens have? obey rules, pay taxes, defend the city

What were the major responsibilities of the Athenian assembly?

The assembly was responsible for declaring war, military strategy and electing the strategoi and other officials. It was responsible for nominating and electing magistrates (árchontes), thus indirectly electing the members of the Areopagus.

Why did Metics not have the full rights of citizens?

Metics Weren’t Given the Rights of Citizens Among these disadvantages was that they had to pay a military duty as well as additional taxes called “eisphora” and, if they were wealthy, contributing to special civil projects such as helping other wealthy Athenians pay for a warship.

Did Metics have rights?

Regardless of how many generations of the family had lived in the city, metics did not become citizens unless the city chose to bestow citizenship on them as a gift. This was rarely done. During emergencies the city could distribute rations to citizens. None of these rights were available to metics.

What was the main difference between citizens and non citizens in ancient Athens?

Not everyone in Athens was considered a citizen. Only free, adult men enjoyed the rights and responsibility of citizenship. Only about 20 percent of the population of Athens were citizens. Women were not citizens and therefore could not vote or have any say in the political process.

How do you become an Athenian citizen?

Citizens. To be classed as a citizen in fifth-century Athens you had to be male, born from two Athenian parents, over eighteen years old, and complete your military service. Women, slaves, metics and children under the age of 20 were not allowed to become citizens.

Did you have to own land to be a citizen in ancient Greece?

Most people in Athens did not have full citizenship rights. Although they might be citizens, women could not participate in most activities of the polis. Many resident aliens, called metics, lived in Athens, but they could not own land or vote, and they were required to pay special taxes.

What were the values of ancient Greece?

The ancient Greeks implemented their values of loyalty, glory, intelligence and hospitality into everyday life. While these values may seem simple, they effectively shaped an entire civilization into a culture that is one of the most referenced in history.

What were the main principles of ancient Greece?

Democracy – rule by the people (male citizens). Monarchy – rule by an individual who had inherited his role. Oligarchy – rule by a select group of individuals. Tyranny – rule by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.

How does ancient Greece influence us today?

The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture. Greek culture influenced the Roman Empire and many other civilizations, and it continues to influence modern cultures today.

What were the five ancient Greek values?

The Greeks valued beauty, art, intellect, honor, and truth; the list is long. Some of these values are shown through the story of the Odyssey, which tells of the adventures of Odysseus and his family.

What are the qualities of a Greek hero?

What makes a hero in Greek Mythology?

  • Having one immortal parent.
  • Being born into royalty.
  • Having an unusual conception or birth.
  • Being favored by the gods.
  • Being the subject of a prophesy.
  • Being abandoned at birth or while very young.
  • Performing an amazing feat at a young age.
  • Going on a quest.

Why was ancient Greece so advanced?

They had an advanced bureaucracy, developed a money economy (rather than a bartering economy), funded many public works and infrastructure and allowed freedom of religion and culture to assist integration.

Why were the Greek so smart?

Actually, the physical attributes that made Greece “smart”, better said high IQ while maintaining physical prowess were obviously their genotypic (genes) and phenotypic (genetic expression) attributes. On the genetic side, a certain ethnic set of Caucasoid genes based on natures coming together of things.

What made ancient Greece a great civilization?

Ancient Greek Civilization. One of the most brilliant civilizations in world history, that of the ancient Greeks laid many of the foundations for the whole of Western civilization. It produced radical innovations in a wide range of fields – philosophy, science, art, architecture, government and politics, and more.

What is the most important person in history?

Hart’s Top 10 (from the 1992 edition)

Rank Name Time Frame
1 Muhammad c. 570–632
2 Isaac Newton 1643–1727
3 Jesus of Nazareth 7–2 BC – 26–36 AD
4 Buddha (Siddartha Gautama) 563–483 BC
Category: Uncategorized

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