What were the band members favorite things to do?

What were the band members favorite things to do?

At the beginning of Chapter 8, Bud mentions that the band’s favorite thing to do besides playing music was to tease each other and talk about Herman E. Calloway behind his back. The band members are constantly joking with one another about their playing abilities and amusing personal backgrounds.

Why did Mr C Always keep a white guy in the band there are 2 reasons list them both?

Why does Calloway always keep one white man in his band? C always has one white person in the band to set up gigs and to “own” his property, since black people aren’t allowed to own property.

What is the bad news Mr Jimmy tells Bud?

Jimmy tells him he’s wrong—he reveals to Bud that Angela Janet was Herman’s daughter’s name, meaning that Herman could be Bud’s grandfather. Bud is overjoyed to receive the news that Herman isn’t his father after all.

What was in Herman’s glovebox?

Inside the glove box are a whole bunch of stones with city names and numbers on them, just like Bud’s. Jimmy steps in to help and although Bud is scared of Calloway’s anger, he tells Jimmy that the rocks were his momma’s and that her name was Angela.

Why is Bud afraid to sleep in the room at the Calloway House?

Bud is apprehensive when he is left alone in the room because in his young mind, when adults say someone is “gone,” they mean “dead.” He is not at all comfortable with the idea of sleeping in a little dead girl’s room.

Is Herman E Calloway Real?

Lefty Lewis and Herman E. Calloway, although fictionalized, are based on my grandfathers. (The real Herman E. Curtis actually had a great sense of humor.)

Who is Bud’s real father?

Bud does not find his father. The man he had believed to be his father, Herman E. Calloway, turns out, in fact, to be his grandfather. When Herman finds out that Bud’s mother was named Angela Janet Caldwell, he is inconsolable.

Why does Mr Calloway collect rocks?

The truth is that Mr. Calloway gave a rock to his daughter each time the band toured, with the date and city inscribed on it. Bud wound up with a collection of those rocks because his mother, Angela, was Mr. Calloway’s daughter.

Who did Herman E Calloway turn out to be?

Calloway’s exact age is never revealed in the story. However, Curtis does write that Herman is an ornery old man, who hasn’t seen his daughter in eleven years and turns out to be Bud’s grandfather. Herman is a well-known musician who resides in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Why was steady Eddie Bud’s favorite?

Why was Eddie Bud’s favorite? He looked the coolest in his sunglasses. He gave Bud a chocolate bar. He was clearly on Bud’s side and looking out for him.

Why was Mr Lewis friendly to Bud?

Lewis stops for Bud because he is a kind man, and he knows that Bud is young and in a dangerous location. Mr. Lewis wants to help get Bud to safety.

What did Bud say the band should be called?

What did Bud say the band should be called? Miss Thomas and the Dusky Devastators of the Depression and a Mean Old Guy on the Giant Fiddle.

What did Bud say the band should be called Chapter 17?

Jimmy come up and Miss Thomas lets Bud know he did a great job cleaning and Mr. Jimmy agrees, calling him LaBone, his band nickname, further proving that he’s one of them.

Why does Mr Lewis have blood?

8. Why does Mr. Lewis have blood with him? He says he is on his way to a hospital and is taking the blood for an operation there.

How does Bud get revenge on Todd?

In what way did Bud get his revenge? He put hot water in a jar and made Todd pee in his pants.

Why did Todd tell the lie about bed wetting?

Todd had accused Bud of looking like a bed-wetter in front of Mrs. Amos earlier, which embarrassed Bud. Bud understands how embarrassing it is to be labeled a bed-wetter, and he decides to seek revenge on Todd for sticking a pencil up his nose, beating him up, calling him Buddy, and lying to Mrs.

What did Todd say to his mother that Bud did?

Playing the role of the victim, Todd lies and tells his mother that he had only gone to wake Bud up to make sure he used the restroom so that he wouldn’t wet the bed like the other foster children they have had did, and that for no reason at all, Bud had attacked him.

What did Bud do to Todd before he left the Amos’s house?

He exacted a bit of revenge by creating a situation that would get the Amos’ son in trouble, and then left the home. It was late as Bud walked the street with his suitcase. With him, he had a suitcase in which he kept a blanket.

Why did Bud almost start crying when he got there?

Why did Bud almost start crying when he got to where he was going to hide? He was hungry, and didn’t know where his next meal was coming from. He missed his mom, after thinking about remembering memories.

What is Bud’s first rule?

For Bud, hero of the prize-winning novel “Bud, Not Buddy” by Christopher Paul Curtis, the answers are clear: Take off on your own. Look for that missing father. Be careful around adults — they probably won’t help you.

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