
What were the major trade routes in West Africa?

What were the major trade routes in West Africa?

In Western Africa the major trade centers were cities such as Timbuktu, Gao, Agadez, Sijilmasas, and Djenne. Along the coast of North Africa sea port cities developed such as Marrakesh, Tunis, and Cairo. The port city of Adulis on the Red Sea was also an important trade center.

What was the first major trade route to connect the eastern and western parts of the world?

Silk Roads

Why was the Silk Road so dangerous?

It was incredibly dangerous to travel along the Silk Road. You faced desolate white-hot sand dunes in the desert, forbidding mountains, brutal winds, and poisonous snakes. But, to reach this strip, you had to cross the desert or the mountains. And of course there were always bandits and pirates.

What is the Silk Road like today?

Is the Silk Road still used today? Parts of the Silk Road survive in the form of a paved highway connecting Pakistan and the Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang in China. In the 21st century the United Nations planned to sponsor a trans-Asian motor highway and railroad.

How long would it take to walk the Silk Road?

two years

What is the difference in trade between the Silk Road and Indian Ocean?

The Silk Road route was predominantly on land and crossed water ways at the Mediterranean Sea while the Indian Ocean trade route moved predominantly on water (Indian Ocean) between ports. The products that went across both routes included silk and spices from the East and processed textiles from the West.

Is Timbuktu on the Silk Road?

Trading cities played an important role in the spread of goods on the Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade routes. A few examples of major trading cities are Hangzhou, Timbuktu, and Malacca. All are strategically located along major waterways and some were also located along overland trade routes.

What is one effect of trade along the Silk Road?

One obvious effect of trade along the Silk Road was more goods were available in more places. Silk, owing to its soft texture and appealing shimmer, became so hotly desired that it was used as currency in central Asia.

What is a network of exchange?

Network of Exchange. the exchange of information of services among individuals, groups, or institutions.

What were the cause and effects of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200?

Explain the causes of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200. Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes, including the Indian Ocean, promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.

Why did cities become thriving centers of trade during the growth of exchange networks?

Why did cities become thriving centers of trade during the growth of exchange networks? these cities were visited by all traders due to the environment and its lack of resources. they become places for an exchange of ideas or goods.

How and to what effect did networks of exchange transform human societies?

As exchange networks intensified, an increasing number of travelers within Afro–Eurasia wrote about their travels. . Increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of literary, artistic, and cultural traditions, as well as scientific and technological innovation.

What were the causes and effects of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200 quizlet?

How did the expansion of empires influence trade and communication?

The expansion of empires—including the Mongols—facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication as new people were drawn into their conquerors’ economies and trade networks. The growth of inter-regional trade was encouraged by innovations in existing transportation technologies.

How did the dhow affect and facilitate trade networks?

The dhow was used for heavy items that were not as fit for land-based trade. The dhow and lateen sail did for maritime trade what the saddle and stirrup did for land trade: they helped people widen networks of trade and communication thus accelerating the diffusion of goods, ideas, and culture.

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