What were the problems faced by the Indian weavers?

What were the problems faced by the Indian weavers?

The cotton weavers in India thus faced two problems at the same time: their export market collapsed, and the local market shrank in the country due to import by Manchester industries. By 1860s, another problem was that weavers could not get sufficient supply of raw cotton of good quality.

What are the problems faced by the Weavers?

Problems faced by cotton weavers in India are:

  • Their export market collapsed.
  • Local market also shrank as it was flooded with Manchester imports.
  • Produced by machines at lower costs, the imported cotton goods were so cheap that weavers could not easily compete with them.

What problems did Indian weavers face in 1850?

State any three problem faced by indian weavers in 1850

  • Their export market collapsed and local market shrank being flooded with british goods.
  • Indian handmade goods could not compete with fine machine made goods of england.
  • Weavers were forced to buy raw cotton at exorbitant prices.

What two problems did cotton weavers face in India?

Major problems faced by the Indian cotton weavers –

  • (i) Their export market collapsed.
  • (ii) The local market shrunk.
  • (iii) Increase in price of raw cotton.
  • (iv) Shortage of cotton.
  • (v) Difficulty of weavers to compete with the imported machine made cheaper cotton products.

What are the 3 problems faced by Indian cotton industry?

Three problems faced by cotten textile industries in India are as follows : (i) power supply is erratic and machineries are back dated. (ii) Out put of labour is low. (iii) Facing stiff competition with the synthetic fibre industry.

Why did Indian weavers not get sufficient raw cotton?

Answer: As raw cotton exports from India increased, the price of raw cotton shot up Weavers in India were starved of supplies and forced to buy raw cotton at exorbitant prices. This also reduced the supply of raw cotton ill the market.

Why did the weavers suffered problem of raw cotton?

By 1860, they faced a new problem. They could not get sufficient supply of raw cotton which was sent to England for their industries after American world war. The prices of raw cotton shot up and Indian weavers were forced to buy raw cotton at exorbitant prices. In most cases, they were unable to pay.

What was the situation of Indian cotton weavers?

Indian weavers were forced to buy raw cotton at a very high price. So weaving did not remain profitable. Factories in India also produced goods at a mass scale which flooded the Indian markets. Thus, the Indian weavers faced a tough time and it became difficult to survive.

Who suffered from the problem of raw cotton in the mid 19th century and why?

Answer. Weavers suffered because of the high prices of the raw cotton……. As the civil war broke out in USA the export of raw cotton to England declined due to that it turned to India. Large amount of cotton was exported from India.

What problems were faced by the Indian cotton weavers in the 19th century explain?

Major problems faced by the Indian cotton weavers: Increase in price of raw cotton. Shortage of cotton. Difficulty of weavers to compete with the imported machine made cheaper cotton products. Factories in India also began cheaper machine made goods to which our weavers could not compete.

What was the plight of Indian weavers in British India in the 19th century?

weavers were forced to buy raw cotton at exorbitant prices. In most cases they were unable to pay. By the end of 19th century, Indian weavers again got a blow when textile factories were set up in India flooding market with machine made goods. It was difficult for the weavers to survive.

How did the cotton weavers in India suffer due to Manchester import?

(i) Cotton weavers faced two problems. Their export market collapsed, and the local market shrank being glutted with Manchester imports. The imported machine-made goods were cheaper and of better quality. (ii) Due to American civil war Britain turned to India for cotton.

What was the impact of Manchester on Indian weavers?

The impacts of Manchester imports on the Cotton Weavers of India were; Their export market collapsed and local market shrink. Machine-made cotton clothes were so cheap, that Indian Weavers could not easily compete with them.

What was the result of the import of Manchester cloth to India?

The Indian export market crashed and the domestic market declined due to oversupply of Manchester clothes to our country. Machine made Manchester clothes were cheaper than hand-woven Indian clothes and thus the Indian weavers could not face the competition.

Why Indian weavers lost their job after arrival of British clothes to India?

When the American Civil War broke out and cotton supplies from The US were cut off, Britain turned to India. As raw cotton exports from India increased, the price of raw cotton shot up Weavers in India were starved of supplies and forced to buy raw cotton at exorbitant prices.

What was the impact of British rule on lives of weavers and spinners?

In fact, by the 1880s two-thirds of all the cotton clothes worn by Indians were made of cloth produced in Britain. This affected not only specialist weavers but also spinners. Thousands of rural women who made a living by spinning cotton thread were rendered jobless. Handloom weaving did not completely die in India.

What problems do you face in terms of supply of raw cotton in India?

As raw cotton exports from India increased, the price of raw cotton shot up. Weavers in India were starved of supplies and forced to buy raw cotton at exorbitant prices. In this, situation weaving could not pay. Factories in India began production, flooding the market with machine- goods.

Why did the Indian weavers suffer from a problem of raw cotton?

Answer. When the American civil war broke out and cotton supply from US were cutt of British turned to India. As raw cotton exports from India increased cotton become costly in India which poor people cannot buy easily. This created the shortage for raw cotton.

Why did the weavers suffer from?

Answer. The American Civil War broke out and cotton supplies from the US were cut off, thus raw cotton exports from India increased. As a result the weavers suffered from a shortage of raw cotton.

Which work is not performed by the Weavers?

UPSC Question Pottery making is done by potter’s. This discussion on Which of the following work is not performed by the weaversa)Spinningb)Cotton cleaningc)Dyeingd)Pottery makingCorrect answer is option ‘D’.

What are the advantages of putting out system for the Weavers?

Answer. The advantages of this system were that workers involved could work at their own speed while at home, and children working in the system were better treated than they would have been in the factory system, although the homes were polluted by the toxins from the raw materials.

What is the role of merchant in making of cloth?

The role of merchant in making of cloth is to supply clothes on order to garment manufacturers and exporters.

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