What were the two lessons that Abuelita taught Esperanza?

What were the two lessons that Abuelita taught Esperanza?

1. Character Reread pages 20–21. What two lessons did Abuelita teach Esperanza about life? There is no life without difficulties, and do not be afraid to start over.

What was Abuelita crocheting?

When Abuelita joins Esperanza and Mama at the camp, Esperanza puts the final stitches on the enormous blanket. It’s a hodgepodge of colorful yarn from caring neighbors and bits of hair from Abuelita’s and Esperanza’s heads, sealing their love and good wishes into the blanket forever.

Why does Abuelita give the crocheting to Esperanza?

Abuelita gives the crocheting to Esperanza to help her pass the time while they are apart. “While you are waiting, finish this for me.” She also wants Esperanza to learn a lesson about life, that you are sometimes going through hard times but there will be good times too.

What does Abuelita do with her hair while crocheting?

Abuelita stitched her hair into the blanket, so a part of her will always be in the blanket. “Do not be afraid to start over.” Abuelita is using starting over with crochet as a life lesson. She is talking not only about starting over with the blanket, but also about starting over in life.

Where do Hortencia Ramona and Esperanza hide?

Where does Hortencia, Esperanza, and Ramona hide when they “sneak away” from the ranch? On the train. In a room in their house.

Why was Esperanza’s dad killed?

Esperanza’s father was killed by bandits on the way home from work. Her dad was the money maker in the family, and without him, the family was helplss.

What makes Esperanza cry?

Esperanza became so angry because Sally lied to her. What does Sally do that makes Esperanza so angry? She was trying to save her from the red clowns.

What did Esperanza mother forget?

“Chanclas” Esperanza’s mother forgets to bring new dress shoes. Esperanza is very embarrassed that she has to wear her old school shoes, and it makes her feel ugly. 2.

Why did Esperanza lie about her home?

Why does Esperanza lie about her home? The humiliating experience Esperanza endures with the nun is similar to experience in chapter 1, because in both cases, she was ashamed of her house.

Who finally gets Esperanza to dance?

The House on Mango Street: Chapter 19 Summary & Analysis Everyone has a good time except for Esperanza, who is ashamed of her old brown saddle shoes. A boy asks her to dance but she declines. Finally her Uncle Nacho convinces Esperanza to dance, and they dance beautifully while everyone watches.

Who does Esperanza dance with?


What is ironic about Esperanza lying about her age in Peter Pan photo studio?

What is ironic about Esperanza lying about her age to work at “Peter Pan” photo studio? (Hint- it is an allusion) Yes because an allusion can be real or imagery Esperanza’s aunt worked there and could have done the same thing get into a job.

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