
What word is similar to some?

What word is similar to some?


  • not many.
  • not too many.
  • scattering.
  • several.
  • slim pickings.
  • small number.
  • smatter.
  • smattering.

What do you call someone who is similar to you?

Someone who looks spookily like you, but isn’t a twin, is a doppelganger. The word doppelganger is German and literally means double walker — as in a ghost or shadow of yourself.

Do similars attract?

The idea that “opposites attract” in relationships is a myth. In reality, people tend to be attracted to those who are similar to themselves, as dozens of studies have shown.

Is it good to date someone with the same personality?

There are pros and cons to dating someone with the same personality as you. Dating someone very similar to you can definitely promote better understanding at times, especially in the beginning, or “adjustment period” of a new relationship, as another study found.

Should you marry someone with the same personality?

Ultimately, marrying someone with the same personality type as you helps to ensure harmony, but it’s not a complete guarantee against disagreement and arguments. With that said, I would suggest that when it comes to learning to live with one another, couples who share a personality type are able to adapt rather well.

Is it true opposite personalities attract?

“We tend to gravitate to people who have similar interests to us, and who are similar to us in background,” Durvasula says. “So, in fact, opposites don’t really attract.” Research backs this up. The researchers found that these people had a whopping 86 percent similarity on all the factors.

Is it better to date someone opposite of you?

Even though it makes sense to date some who’s a lot like you, don’t rule out the idea of dating someone who is your opposite, either. If your partner happens to have a different outlook on life, different personality traits, and even different interests, it can make for a fun and interesting relationship.

What sign is opposite of Leo?


What are the most opposite zodiac signs?

Spring signs are opposite to autumn ones, winter signs are opposite to summer ones and vice versa.

  • Aries is opposite to Libra.
  • Taurus is opposite to Scorpio.
  • Gemini is opposite to Sagittarius.
  • Cancer is opposite to Capricorn.
  • Leo is opposite to Aquarius.
  • Virgo is opposite to Pisces.

What does each Zodiac hate?

What Each Zodiac Sign HATES With A Passion…

  • Aries… hates people that are slooooooow.
  • Taurus… hates sudden changes and surprises.
  • Gemini… hates being told to ‘shhh’.
  • Cancer… hates being criticized.
  • Leo… hates it when people try to ‘one up’ or ‘correct’ them.
  • Virgo… hates loud noises.
  • Libra… hates people that are rude and argumentative.
  • Scorpios… hates liars.

Which zodiac is Freakiest?


What sign doesn’t care about looks?


Do Taurus care about looks?

Taurus, you want to look good because it makes you feel good. Even when everything else in your life is stressful or difficult, you know that you can always count on yourself to dress to the nines.

Are Aquarius good at relationships?

Aquarians NEED a mental connection with their romantic partners. They are intellectual and logical by nature and need a partner they feel comfortable conversing and sharing their ideas with. And because Aquarians value their individuality so strongly, they are just as respectful of the individuality of others.

Where do Aquarius like to be touched?

Aquarius’ Favorite Body Part: Calves And Ankles Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, always willing to stand up for what they believe in.

What sign does Aquarius hate?

What signs do Aquarius hate? Eccentric and unique Aquarius doesn’t get along with Earth signs Virgo and Taurus, nor Water sign Scorpio. Virgo is too uptight and controlling, Taurus too adverse to change, and Scorpio too emotional and intense.

What are Aquarius guys like in bed?

The Aquarius man doesn’t see women as sexual objects unless the woman he’s with wants him to. He is curious about a lady’s personality and he likes wooing. When he is interested in someone, he’s patient and considerate because he simply enjoys the chase.

Why are Aquarius so attractive?

Aquarius are friendly and kind. They are usually physically stunning because they hold their kindness in their eyes and their warmth is extended outwards. In addition to being physically beautiful, they also have an immense inner beauty that will make everyone they encounter attracted to them.

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