What word means sail around the world?

What word means sail around the world?


What is the root word for circumnavigate?

Circumnavigate breaks down to circum-, “around,” and navigare, “to navigate.” It was first used in the era when sailors were trying to find new lands they didn’t know about, and so the “around” in question was the trip around the entire earth.

What is the origin of the word circumnavigate?

Origin of circumnavigate From Latin circumnāvigātus, perfect passive participle of circumnāvigō (“sail round something, circumnavigate”), from circum (“about, around”) + nāvigō (“sail, navigate”), from nāvis (“ship”) + agō (“do”).

What Latin word means around?


What does R mean in Latin?

3. title noun [noun NOUN] R is a written abbreviation meaning king or queen. R is short for the Latin words ‘rex’ and ‘regina’.

What does R mean in logo?

registered trademark

What does R mean in history?

In historiography, r. can be used to designate the ruling period of a person in dynastic power, to distinguish from his or her lifespan. For example, one may write “Charles V (r.

What R can stand for?

The “R” inside the circle stands for “registered.” The “R” and circle together form the federal trademark registration symbol. In commerce, the symbol shows that your business officially owns its trademark by U.S. Patent and Trade Office (pto.gov) standards.

What does the letter r mean spiritually?

The energy represented by the letter R resonates with the ideas of tolerance, efficiency, realism, self-determination, and compassion.

What does R in Par stands for?

Well, think of PAR (Photosynthetcally Active Radiation) to be the light (radiation) that promotes (active) photosynthesis. The illustration above, from Wikipedia, shows the wavelengths of PAR. PAR, scientifically, delineates which light is available for photosynthesis.

What does the R in great stand for?

Definition. GREAT. Gang Resistance Education And Training.

What does the A stand for in great?

Giving Recognition for Excellence Advocacy and Teamwork. GREAT. Gratitude Responsibility Enthusiasm Attitude and Teamwork. GREAT. Gang Related Education and Training.

What does the R in great stand for health?

give thought to the problem. R. review your choices. E. evaluate the choices.

What is the full form of grid?

GRID – Global Resource Information Database.

What is called a grid?

A grid is a network of intersecting parallel lines, whether real or imaginary. Grid can also refer to a physical network of sorts, not necessarily made of straight or parallel lines. You may be familiar with the high voltage electrical cables that carry power throughout the country, known as the national grid.

Who controls the power grid?

The US grid is a complex network of more than 7,300 power plants and transformers connected by more than 450,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines and serves 145 million customers. In most countries, they are state owned but in the US, the grid is nearly all privately owned.

What is the full from of NCC?

The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades.

Who invented NCC?

Government of the United Kingdom

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