What word or phrase best describes the excerpt heard here which begins a little after the thirteen minute mark of the entire piece?

What word or phrase best describes the excerpt heard here which begins a little after the thirteen minute mark of the entire piece?

Terms in this set (5) What word or phrase best describes the excerpt heard here, which begins a little after the thirteen minute mark of the entire piece? Exposition, a.k.a. the “theme” section, of Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra by dragging over the numbers.

When did the modern orchestra develop?

17th century

Who is in the string family?

The strings are the largest family of instruments in the orchestra and they come in four sizes: the violin, which is the smallest, viola, cello, and the biggest, the double bass, sometimes called the contrabass.

Where did the orchestra originate from?


Who was the first orchestra conductor?

Jean-Baptiste Lully

How long does it take to get good at trumpet?

It should take two to four years of diligent study with a competent teacher to play well enough that your peers in a high school or college band are happy to play sitting next to you.

Does playing trumpet damage teeth?

Playing of each small cup-shaped brass instrument caused lingual displacement of maxillary incisors. The force and tooth deflection increased more with ascending scale than with intensity of playing, confirming the results of Barbenel et al. Thus, lingual pressure during trumpet playing is well established.

What is the hardest instrument to play with braces?

Brass Players The hardest instruments to play, with braces, are probably ones with smaller mouthpieces like trumpets and french horns. But much like flute players, they can reduce the pressure on their teeth by increasing their airflow and keeping the corners of their mouths sealed tight.

Is it harder to play trumpet with braces?

Braces affect trumpet players more than any other instrument. This is due to the size of a trumpet’s mouthpiece and the way it is used. Players have to press their lips into a small mouthpiece and buzz their lips to create noise, which becomes challenging with added metal brackets.

Can you play trumpet with retainer?

If it is the hard plastic kind, take them out, you’ll be fine. If it’s the small plastic invisaline-like stuff go ahead and wear them just so you don’t have to deal with taking them out.

Is it bad to play with your retainer?

Even one or two nights without wearing your retainer can cause slight shifting. Flip them or play with them using your tongue. Just leave them alone so you don’t ruin the retainer, cause it to fall onto the ground, or damage your mouth.

Can you play an instrument with a retainer?

Never use your tongue or teeth to remove or insert your retainers because doing so will weaken them over time and cause them to break. Remove your retainers when playing a musical instrument with your mouth or singing in a choir.

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