What word starts with proto?

What word starts with proto?

10-letter words that start with proto

  • protoplasm.
  • protoplast.
  • protohuman.
  • protostele.
  • protostome.
  • protoxylem.
  • protoxides.
  • prototyped.

Does proto mean first?


What words start with pseudo?

15-letter words that start with pseudo

  • pseudopregnancy.
  • pseudocoelomate.
  • pseudomorphisms.
  • pseudoscorpions.
  • pseudoscientist.
  • pseudoephedrine.
  • pseudoarthrosis.
  • pseudomonadales.

What is proto word?

New Word Suggestion. A word which is used, and has an actual meaning,but has not been “accepted” as a word by officials.

What is proto short for?


Acronym Definition
PROTO Prototype
PROTO Protocol (eMule)
PROTO Process and Tools (Team)

What does the Greek word proto mean?

proto- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning “first, foremost, earliest form of”:proto- + lithic → protolithic; protoplasm.

What does proto mean in Italian?

Italian: from Greek protos ‘first’, hence a name bestowed on the first born (male) child, or in some cases possibly a short form of an occupational or status name formed with this element, such as Protonotaro, literally ‘first notary’.

Is Mono a root word?

word-forming element of Greek origin meaning “one, single, alone; containing one (atom, etc.),” from Greek monos “single, alone,” from PIE root *men- (4) “small, isolated.”

Is photo a root word?

This ROOT-WORD is PHOTO which means LIGHT.

What is the root word for graph?

Graphic Writing There is much to say about the Greek root graph which means ‘to write,’ so let this ‘written’ discourse begin! One of the most common uses of this root is in the suffix -graphy. A biography is ‘writing’ about someone’s life, whereas an autobiography is ‘writing’ about your own life.

What words have the root word photo?

14 letter words containing photo

  • photofinishing.
  • photosynthesis.
  • photogrammetry.
  • photosensitive.
  • photochemistry.
  • photoengraving.
  • photoperiodism.
  • photoreception.

What root word goes with image?

Image has its roots in the Latin word imitari, meaning “to copy or imitate”; images are judged by how realistically they capture the person or thing they show.

What’s the word root meaning light?


What does Spir mean in Latin?


What does the root word auto mean?


What words have the root word bene?

Words Based on the Bene Root Word

  • Benign: Kind or gentle disposition, neutral, harmless.
  • Benison: Blessing.
  • Benignant: Kind, desirable.
  • Benefice: Paid position of a member of clergy.
  • Beneficence: Act of goodness.
  • Beneficiary: Recipient of gifts.
  • Benefit: Event organised to raise money.
  • Benefit: Profit.

What is a bene?

benenoun. A prayer, especially to God; a petition; a boon.

What does Bene Bon mean?

good, well

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