What would change about her situation indeed her whole life if she were more honest?

What would change about her situation indeed her whole life if she were more honest?

What would change about her situation, and her whole life if she were more honest? If she were honest with her whole life she would put less stress on her husband and they would both have happier lives.

How does Madame Loisel change throughout the story?

At the end of “The Necklace,” Madame Loisel changes into a humble, industrious woman, who no longer dreams about being rich and works hard for everything she earns. After losing the necklace, Madame Loisel sacrifices her comfortable lifestyle and loses her entitled attitude.

How does Mathilde feel about her middle class life in the diamond necklace?

How does Mathilde feel about her middle class life in “The Diamond Necklace?” She accepts it with a sense of satisfaction. She feels that if she just works harder she could achieve the next class. She is deeply disappointed.

How does Madame Loisel feel about her life?

Hover for more information. Madame Loisel is unhappy with her life because she was born poor when she feels as if she should have been rich. Madame Loisel is a middle class woman, who for some reason feels that she should have been a wealthy woman.

Why was Madame Loisel unhappy with her life?

Madame Loisel is unhappy because she is ashamed of her social standing. Madam Loisel has always dreamed of a luxurious life with servants and such, and is unhappy because she is not wealthy. She becomes even more upset when she is invited to a ball.

What kind of woman is Mathilde Loisel Why is she always unhappy?

loisel is a dreamy woman. She gives much value to her dreams. She over-looks the realities of life. That is why, she is always unhappy because dreams can’t be true .

What kind of a person is Mme Loisel why is she?

Mme Loisel was a pretty young lady born in a family of clerks. She felt that she was born for all the delicacies and luxuries. Instead, she had to live a simple and economical life. She completely disliked her circumstances.

What kind of person is Mr Loisel?

Monsieur Loisel is a hard-working man who loves his wife, but does not understand her. He wants to please her, and makes sacrifices to give her the luxury, if only temporarily, that she so craves. He is a simple man who is satisfied with his social standing in life.

Why was Matilda always unhappy?

Matilda was always unhappy in her early married life because she was born in a family of clerks which seemed to be an error of destiny. She had high aspirations. She felt grieved at her miserable condition. She thought that she was born for all delicacies and luxuries of the world.

What made Matilda sad and miserable?

Answer: The cause of Matilda’s ruin was her dissatisfaction with whatever life offered her. She was always unhappy. She felt that she was born for all the delicacies and luxuries of life.

Why did Matilda not want to see her rich friends?

She did not have the luxuries of life like she imagined herself to be born for. She believed that she deserved better. Her friend was rich and she did not like visiting her friend because it reminded her of all the things she didn’t have in life. Hence, she felt envious of them and felt humiliated in their presence.

Why did Matilda not like her rich friend?

Answer: Matilda was not satisfied with what her life had to offer and was ashamed of her status. As she was humiliated by her lower-middle-class existence, she, generally, avoided meeting her rich friends like Mme Forestier, a wealthy lady, whom she knew from her days at the convent school.

How did Matilda’s friend help her?

She helped Matilda by giving her the necklace. She could never imagine that her friend would undergo such a hardship for that fake necklace. After ten years, after knowing the truth and reality she must have been upset. She would have definitely returned the necklace to Mme Forestier.

Why did Matilda suffer after coming back from her friend’s house?

Answer. Answer: Thinking herself to be born for luxuries, Matilda suffered incessantly on account of her poverty. Matilda had a school mate who was rich.

Why does Matilda speak to her friend?

Her friend was still young and pretty while Matilda had grown old and coarse. For a moment, she considered whether she should speak to her or not. Then it striked her that she had already repaid for the necklace. Moreover, she wanted to tell the reality about the necklace.

Why did Mathilde go to her friend’s house and tell her of her distress?

Forestier and tell her of her distress of having no jewels to wear at the ball so that Mme. Forestier could lend her some jewels to wear at the event. Explanation: Mathilde was to visit a ministry event and she had no jewels to wear at such a big event.

Why did Mathilde borrow her friends necklace?

When she prepares to attend a fancy party, she borrows a diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier, then loses the necklace and must work for ten years to pay off a replacement. Her one night of radiance cost her and Monsieur Loisel any chance for future happiness.

What changes came in the lifestyle of Matilda after she has lost the necklace?

Answer. Answer: Mathilde, s life took a change for the worst after the lost of the necklace. Namely, because instead of swallowing her pride, owning to this fact and confess to her friend, she decides to take matters into her own hands.

Why did her husband hope that she would become happy?

Answer: (a) He hoped that his wife would be happy on seeing the invitation to party from Minister of Public Instructions. (b) She got angry and threw the invitation card on table.

What changes occurred in Matilda’s life after 10 years?

Over the ten years, Madame Loisel realized what it meant to be truly poor. Her mindset regarding poverty and what it meant to work changed. She, too, was required to work. In the end, Madame Loisel did not only change mentally, she also changed physically (from the demanding work she had to do).

What were the three mistakes Matilda committed?

She was always unhappy. She felt that she was born for all the delicacies and luxuries of life. She disliked being in her current circumstances. She lost the necklace and had to purchase a new one by taking loan this ruined her life.

What are the three mistakes Matilda Committed How could she have avoided?

It made them poor and snatched all their hopes of a happy life. It took away ten prime years of their lives. Matilda could have avoided the miserable life that she and her husband had to resort by confessing to Mme Forestier that she had lost the necklace. The course of the Loisels’ life changed due to the necklace.

What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed?

Answer :If Matilda had confessed to her friend that she had lost the necklace she would have been saved from ruin . The Lost necklace was worth only 500 Francs. She could easily buy another in its place.

What Spoiled Matilda’s pleasure?

What spoiled the pleasure? Ans : Matilda was intoxicated with pleasure. She danced with great enthusiasm.

What was the cause of Matilda’s devastation How could she evade it?

She was always unhappy. She felt that she was born for all the delicacies and luxuries. She disliked her circumstances. She could have avoided the ruin by being content with what she had.

Was Matilda’s Dream Fulfilled at the ball Why did all men notice her and wanted them to be presented to her?

She looked the prettiest of all elegant, gracious, smiling and full of joy. All the men noticed her, asked her name and wanted to be presented. She danced with enthusiasm intoxicated with pleasure, thinking of nothing but all this admiration. All these because of Mme Forester lending her the necklace.

Was Matilda’s Dream Fulfilled at the ball?

She was full of joy. All the men noticed her and asked her name. This made Matilda very happy. Her dream was fulfilled.

What happened at Ball was Matilda’s Dream Fulfilled?

At the ball in the Minister’s house Matilda was a huge success. Everyman wanted to be introduced to her. Yes, her dream was fullfield. But she lost her necklace that was given by her friend.

What happened at the ball was Matilda’s Dream Fulfilled?

Answer. Answer: Matilda was sad after the ball because she had lost the diamond necklace she had borrowed from her friend.

Why was Matilda sad after the ball?

Matilda was sad after the ball because she had lost the diamond necklace which she had borrowed from her friend Mme. Forester. She had to pay a very heavy price for it.

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