What would happen if a gamma ray hit Earth?
With the gamma-rays beamed directly at Earth, the radiation would destroy a significant portion of our atmosphere, specifically the ozone layer. The photons streaming from the burst would cause chemical reactions leading to photochemical smog. This would further deplete our protection from cosmic rays.
How far can a gamma ray burst travel?
1 Answer. It depends. The farthest observed is GRB 090423 at a distance of 13 billions of light years. In general any electromagnetic signal can travel forever if does not interact with any object.
Can a gamma ray kill you?
Just as high doses of X-rays are typically lethal, so too would an explosion of gamma rays kill the average person. Intriguingly, gamma rays can be so powerful that they can actually create matter.
Can you survive a gamma ray burst?
We have seen and survived plenty of others. Gamma ray bursts are extremely powerful, but the energy is concentrated in a narrow beam, making hitting the Earth extremely unlikely. If one hits the Earth, it would depend on the distance. This will cause more UV radiation to hit the Earth from the Sun for several years.
What is the closest galaxy to ours?
Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy
Is there another galaxy like ours?
The Milky Way galaxy is in the Local Group, a neighborhood of about 30 galaxies. Our nearest major neighboring galaxy is called Andromeda.
Which is the biggest galaxy in the universe?
IC 1101
What is the largest star known to man?
UY Scuti
What is the biggest universe?
A new report in 2014 confirms the Milky Way as a member of Laniakea Supercluster. Caelum Supercluster is a collection of over 550,000 galaxies. It is the largest of all galaxy superclusters. Saraswati Supercluster consists of 43 massive galaxy clusters, which include Abell 2361 and ZWCl 2341.1+0000.
Is the space infinite?
If the universe is infinite, it has always been infinite. At the Big Bang, it was infinitely dense. Since then it has just been getting less dense as space has expanded.
Why is space so big?
Despite what you might assume from this image, most of the Universe is empty, intergalactic space. But the reason the Universe is this large today is because it’s expanded and cooled to reach this point. Even today, the Universe continues to expand at a tremendous rate: approximately 70 km/s/Mpc.
Is there anything bigger than infinity?
Different infinite sets can have different cardinalities, and some are larger than others. Beyond the infinity known as ℵ0 (the cardinality of the natural numbers) there is ℵ1 (which is larger) … ℵ2 (which is larger still) … and, in fact, an infinite variety of different infinities.
Is Google a number?
Googology comes from googol, the most famous, and smallest, of the really big numbers. A googol is a 1 followed by 100 zeros (or 10100 ).
What exactly is infinity?
Infinity, the concept of something that is unlimited, endless, without bound. The common symbol for infinity, ∞, was invented by the English mathematician John Wallis in 1655.
Is Infinity really infinite?
Aristotle handled the topic of infinity in Physics and in Metaphysics. He distinguished between actual and potential infinity. Actual infinity is completed and definite, and consists of infinitely many elements. Potential infinity is never complete: elements can be always added, but never infinitely many.
Can we prove infinity?
The universe could be infinite, both in terms of space and time, but there is currently no way to test whether it goes on forever or is just very big. The part of the universe we are able to observe is finite, measuring about 46 billion light years in diameter.