What would I do if I were a bird?

What would I do if I were a bird?

If I were to be a bird, I would like my life to be a beautiful blend of freedom of flying in the high skies and the love and care given by man. I see advantages in both and find it difficult to make a choice. My ambition as a bird would be able to fly high as high can be, like any other bird.

What would you do if you were a butterfly?

If I were a butterfly, I would jump from one flower to another and make them dance along with me. My whole day would be consumed in extracting nectar and enjoying the taste of nature. Furthermore, my food would be full of the sweet honey of the flowers and I would be the reason of their growth.

Do butterfly wings have color essay?

butterfly wings actually don’t have color, the color you see is a reflection of its exquisite structure under sunlight.

What do butterflies do with the flowers?

The first example of symbiotic mutualism is the interaction between butterflies and flowers. Butterflies generally like to eat sweet juice or nectar on flowers. while flowers as reproductive organs in plants are helped because these beautiful insects help spread pollen.

How do butterflies help us?

They help flowers pollinate, eat plenty of weedy plants and provide a food source for other animals. In addition, their presence or absence can tell us a lot about the local environment.

Are butterflies good or bad?

Adult butterflies and caterpillars are an important source of food for other animals such as bats and birds. Along with nectar, butterflies eat a variety of plants. Some species also provide a natural form of pest control. For example, the harvester butterfly eats aphids while it is in its caterpillar form.

Why do we need butterflies?

A butterfly’s role—Areas filled with butterflies, moths, and other invertebrates benefit with pollination and natural pest control. Butterflies and moths are also an important part of the food chain, providing food for birds, bats, and other animals.

What are 3 interesting facts about butterflies?

Here are 10 butterfly facts you’ll find fascinating.

  • Butterfly Wings Are Transparent.
  • Butterflies Taste With Their Feet.
  • Butterflies Live on an All-Liquid Diet.
  • A Butterfly Must Assemble Its Own Proboscis—Quickly.
  • Butterflies Drink From Mud Puddles.
  • Butterflies Can’t Fly If They’re Cold.
  • A Newly Emerged Butterfly Can’t Fly.

Who eats butterfly?

Some of the common predators of butterflies include but are certainly not limited to: wasps, ants, parasitic flies, birds, snakes, toads, rats, lizards, dragonflies and even monkeys! A few of the other animals that are constantly adding butterflies onto their menu list are frogs and spiders.

Are butterflies harmful to humans?

No butterflies are so poisonous that they kill people or large animals, but there is an African moth whose caterpillar’s fluids are very poisonous. The N’gwa or ‘Kaa caterpillar’s entrails have been used by Bushmen to poison the tips of arrows.

Can a butterfly bite you?

Butterflies don’t bite because they can’t. Caterpillars munch on leaves and eat voraciously with their chewing mouthparts, and some of them do bite if they feel threatened. But once they become butterflies, they only have a long, curled proboscis, which is like a soft drinking straw—their jaws are gone.

What is the most poisonous butterfly?

Antimachus Swallowtail

Are monarchs poisonous?

One fascinating fact about the Monarch butterfly is that it is poisonous. Not to humans, but to predators such as frogs, grasshoppers, lizards, mice and birds. The Monarch absorbs and stores poison in its body when it is a caterpillar and eats the poisonous milkweed plant.

Do butterflies eat dead bodies?

Dead bodies! Rotting animal flesh is a huge butterfly favorite [PDF]—so much so that researchers have begun baiting tropical butterfly traps with shrimp heads, chunks of dead snake, and prawn paste. Texture is key; since butterflies have no teeth, they can essentially only “lick” the rotting meat.

Can a monarch butterfly kill you?

The monarch stores a poison called cardenolides, or cardiac glycosides that it gets from the plants it eats. This poison is similar to digitalis, which can be used to help people with heart problems, but can kill people if they consume too much of it.

Do Monarchs bite?

Monarch butterflies cannot bite, and drink through a long tongue called a proboscis that works like an eyedropper drawing up nectar. Monarchs not only taste bad, but they are poisonous due to the presence of cardenolides (a type of steroid) in their bodies, which the caterpillars get from the milkweed they feed on.

Are Milkweeds poisonous?

Leaves or other above-ground parts of the plant are poisonous. They contain several glucosidic substances called cardenolides that are toxic. Milkweed may cause losses at any time, but it is most dangerous during the active growing season. Several species of milkweed are poisonous to range animals.

How long does a monarch live for?

2 to 6 weeks

What happens if you eat a monarch butterfly?

Monarch Butterflies are lovely to look at, but poisonous to eat. Animals that eat other butterflies seldom die after eating a Monarch, but seem to feel sick. Predators that taste their food will spit out a Monarch Butterfly. If they have the ability to vomit, after swallowing a Monarch predators will usually do so.

Are viceroys poisonous?

Recent research indicates that the Viceroy is as poisonous as the Monarch giving each butterfly twice the protection from predators. This cross protection is known as a Mullerian mimic.

Do Monarchs sleep?

Monarchs are active during the day, or diurnal, and they rest at night or when it is cool in trees, shrubs or other sheltered areas. This state of rest in most insects is called torpor. They do not have eyelids, so they rest with their eyes open. Monarchs are also unable to fly if it is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the monarch butterfly predator?

Birds such as black-backed orioles and black-headed grosbeaks are common predators at monarch overwintering sites. These species can eat large quantities of monarchs without getting poisoned.

Do monarchs die after laying eggs?

Do the butterflies die after they lay their eggs? A. No, they don’t. Adult monarchs live for anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, and females lay eggs and males mate throughout most of this period.

Why is the monarch butterfly important?

Monarch butterflies need milkweed plants to lay their eggs. More than beautiful, monarch butterflies contribute to the health of our planet. While feeding on nectar, they pollinate many types of wildflowers. Monarch butterflies are also an important food source for birds, small animals, and other insects.

What do monarch eggs look like?

A monarch egg is white or off-white. It’s ovoid in shape, and if you look very closely with a magnifying glass, you’ll see vertical ridges along the sides. As the tiny larva inside develops, the egg will darken slightly in color before hatching in about 3 – 5 days.

What time of year do monarchs lay eggs?

In March and April the eggs are laid on milkweed plants. They hatch into baby caterpillars, also called the larvae. It takes about four days for the eggs to hatch. Then the baby caterpillar doesn’t do much more than eat the milkweed in order to grow.

How do monarchs raise their eggs?

Check your milkweed every day for eggs. When you find one, cut the leaf that it is on and bring it in the house. Line your container with a paper towel, and sprinkle a few drops of water on it. Then put in the leaves with eggs on them, egg side up, and click the top shut.

How many eggs do monarchs lay?

300-500 eggs

Why do butterflies die when you touch them?

A butterfly’s wings are covered in scales, which are shed over time as part of the insect’s life cycle, Reetz said. For some butterflies, the scales can come off if you touch the wings, which can cause some damage but won’t kill the butterfly.

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